Author Topic: Win98 messed up my HD  (Read 1280 times)


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Win98 messed up my HD
« on: 30 December 2002, 07:48 »
Windows 98 fucked up my HD and took all my data on my 60GB HD w/ it.  This HD was full of mp3s and stuff.  Mostly on my Linux partition.

I was in Windows 98 (which happens rarely) transferring files over the NetBIOS network (I don't know samba yet), and explorer wants to crash and corrupt my HD.

Windows 98 crashed and took the partition table with it.  I lost everything over 20 GB of mp3s, movies, and burnable ISOs that I spent a long time finding/downloading.

I managed to rebuild a partition table and recover my data using a Linux utility, but it took me weeks and lots of stress to recover it all.

Just sharing my little hate story.


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Win98 messed up my HD
« Reply #1 on: 30 December 2002, 12:14 »
First before i rant i will say i am yelling at microsoft not you


Phew, ok here's the deal. I got my PC with Windows ME. I didn't like it. It was ugly, but i lived with it. Then microshit released XP. I CAN HAVE TRANSPARENT MENUS, THEMABLE WINDOW DECORATIONS, AND A COOL TASKBAR FOR ONLY 300 BUCKS!

Well i'm cheap so I looked up ways to pirate it. I knew the activation thing was tricky but I heard about corporate    no activation needed. Even then I didn't like microsoft, before I even had any problems with it. Other than windows was ugly (I had never used linux...). I found an ISO and downloaded, burned it and popped it in. I was excited, i get the newest most stable easy to use OS available for free! [not sarcastic at the time]. I thought my computer had 128 mb ram but turns out i didnt, dont know how i got the idea that i did. First of all, Windows XP setup did not warn me in anyway, but it did warn me of useless apps that wont work. I'm like, great, who cares if i cant run solitaire. I ran an upgrade NOT a clean install, because as you might have guessed im a lazy cheap bastard. so anyway it installs great, takes a long long time, but installs fine. Boot it up and it takes a bit (remember: 64 mb) to get to the login screen and all, but im in! i have xp! yay! great! but my cursor stops every couple of seconds while it makes the cursor shadows! err...

well i lived with it for awhile, but WOW did it take a LONG time to load stuff, even the display control panel took a long time. In the meanwhile however i was able to use delphi 6 to work on software for my upcoming venture. Please note this software had no intention of being open source, i barely understood open source let alone supported it. By the time i got fed up with how slow XP was i had at least 3 _complete_, _debugged_, and very near packaged and ready to start sales. I had heard about linux from friends around so I (being completely and utterly uninformed and moronic in my trusting ways) downloaded a professional partitioner package and installed it. It had options to resize partitions. Cool. I'll do that. And no, despite having a cd burner with plenty of free cd-rs and cd-rws i DID NOT back up, i guess i trusted windows nt technology.
you should be able to guess what happened, the partitioner rebooted and stopped in the fake xp dos mode and started working. I left and came back to the same screen i left at, something like 56 percent complete. i suspected something at that. i let it sit for more than an hour and it still did not move. the screen said if i pressed 'h' a help thing will pop up. i tried that... nothing. at this point im gettin lite headed. i tried some various other key combinations, ending in ctrl+alt+del which did not work. the final option was to power it down manually. booting it up again caused nice red letters to come across the screen saying 'fatal error: cannot read from the drive' etc. I tried popping in the xp recovery cd, hoping microsoft had included some tool that dealt with this kind of situation. Nah. they had the 'recovery prompt' however, which just didnt work period. trying to cd over to c: did not work at all i did not know about any free tools to recover the data and i frankly did not trust any of them that were based on windows, and i most certainly did not know of any linux tools. so eventually i popped in the slackware cd i forgot to mention burning above    and made the critical realization that slackware must have some sort of partitioning program (the initial message said you have to format it before setup... why didnt i choose a beginners distro??) so i wiped the hd and put on slackware linux 8. well gee now. can you say problems? this was NOT the right distro for me to use obviously. first of all i didnt think i had to install lilo unless i was dual booting, i was used to the os controlling everything. so for quite awhile i booted from the slackware cd   . then of course i was at the console, wondering how i get the gui. at this point i had met someone in a php forum that used linux, and had a linux guru friend, all who used slackware. he told me about X and all. that was my first task on slackware linux, was to get the gui goin. That took me about a week and a half, mainly because i have an intel i810, which requires agpgart, so i had to type modprobe agpgart before i could even run xf86cfg. once i got X going i had to decide a window manager to start. i chose kde. i still choose kde btw. ok im in! now! sound and internet! hehe these two were so extremely easy but how the hell was i supposed to know?? all i really needed to do was modprobe i810_audio and modprobe tulip / dhcpcd and both were done. but it took me about 2 weeks to get this stuff done. in the mean time i learned a LOT and i mean a LOT about how linux works on the inside, stuff that later prompted me to want to take my stab at a linux distribution (still in development, if anybody has an unused host server for packages...). now i am content however, as it NEVER crashes. period. currently my uptime is ahh let me check 8 days, 15 hours and 52 minutes and to let you know 8 days ago i accidentally pulled the power cord out. hehe.
Komodoware, moving Linux to your desktop.


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Win98 messed up my HD
« Reply #2 on: 30 December 2002, 17:48 »
Trying to repartition ithout backing up? You really are one lazy bastard.


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Win98 messed up my HD
« Reply #3 on: 31 December 2002, 07:34 »
Hey Solo,

You are one sick puppy.  I used WinXP for about one hour.  It was the reason I switched to Linux for good.  

I kind of liked DOS.  Check out my user name... I liked it a lot, for use on a PC.  It was small, simple, and it worked.  Well... as long as it was single user and not over loaded.  It was not multi-user and never pretended to be.

Then came Win 3.x.  Pretty much a DOSshell with colors.  I didn't much like it, but I didn't hate it.  Win9x came along and I got a bit upset.  It did things to your computer that were not easily fixed through DOS and it tried to hide things that it did to your computer from you. I didn't like that, but I could always boot to DOS and beat it into submission.  So I could live with it. I didn't like it, I tolerated it.

Then came WinXP.

Then I gave up on M$.  I WILL not run XP.  I WILL not run Win2K.  I WILL run Linux.  I would not lower myself to using WinXP if Bill Gates were to pay me to use it and you are willing to become a thief to use it!

You need help.  I need another beer.  I may have a problem, but you really need help.

Registered Linux User 294493


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Win98 messed up my HD
« Reply #4 on: 31 December 2002, 19:38 »
MS= Masochistic Sucker?
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??


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Win98 messed up my HD
« Reply #5 on: 1 January 2003, 12:37 »
now now wait, if i actually respected microsoft i would buy their products, but i dont so fuck them im pirating (not anymore because well ms is out of my life) and win me just plain sucked! i was willing to try anything! besides, i was brainwashed by xp's performance which i mistook as 'stability'. im actually pretty glad that happened tho because if it didnt i would be dual booted with linux and windows and would probably be using windows right now... plus i now am educated about open source and would never program any other way.

yes i am a lazy bastard, but look here, had i found a partition resizer for linux i doubt i would have had the same problem, provided i wasnt retarded enough to do it with the hd rw...

but of course you are right i should have backed up. sometimes i wonder about my sanity.
Komodoware, moving Linux to your desktop.


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Win98 messed up my HD
« Reply #6 on: 2 January 2003, 01:33 »
And yet, you never rid your life of MS. It's in the grocery store you shop at, the credit cards you use, Everywhere. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


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Win98 messed up my HD
« Reply #7 on: 2 January 2003, 03:06 »
ms will die soon, but for now, i can pretend

  ;)  ;)  ;)
Komodoware, moving Linux to your desktop.