All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software


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--- Quote from: hm_murdock ---And you folks wonder why anti-MS folks get a bad rap. It's because of childish things like "ignorant arsehole",
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 "Fuck off" comeback with repetition of whatever was just said in 3... 2...


--- Quote from: WMD ---That's just muzzy and toadlife. ;)

EDIT: And skyman.
--- End quote ---
And Aloone_Jonez.

I admit have been playing devil's advocate recently, but I've also countered the Winblow$ Xpee B$ODomize$ me every 10 miniutes bullshit I'm sick of hearing about.

--- Quote from: worker201 ---If you like Windows but hate Microsoft, then you can give Windows advice with a clear conscience.
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Well loving Windows and hating Microsoft would be a moral dilemma in it's self but I personally have no feelings of love or hate towards Windows, to me it's just a tool I use to get my work done.

--- Quote from: worker201 --- isn't the whole purpose of this site to show that there are quality alternatives to Windows?
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Yes, you're right.

--- Quote from: worker201 ---IF IT IS, then there are a lot of trolls here.
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This place has been troll-free since MrX, Slave and MacMan left.

--- Quote from: worker201 ---Personally, I would never recommend any Microsoft product except their mice to anyone.
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This is a very tricky one for me to answer, really it depends on what they want to do, for normal activities like general office use I'd recommend a Mac then possibly Linux, but I'm affraid if they wanted games, Pro Engineer or Protel then I'd have to suggest Windows but I'd strongly recommend they use alternatives like Opera, Thunderbird and OpenOffice for all their other needs.

--- Quote from: worker201 ---And I am in the process of weaning myself from the Xbox.  And I actively encourage everyone to do the same.
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I can see your point but I (if I had a console) wouldn't go through all the inconvenience of selling all my Xbox games.

--- Quote from: worker201 ---If {insert favorite program here} only works in Windows, then that is not a reason to love Windows.
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I think you're using the word love too much, I don't love my computer, I don't love my stereo, I don't even love my car for fuck sake, what's you obsession with love? Just because you use something it doesn't mean you love it.

--- Quote from: worker201 ---That's a reason to bitch at the company who makes it.
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That's a fair point to, but it's not entierly their fault that they don't support other platforms as they probably don't know any better and even if they did they wouldn't support Linux because of the Linux fanboys hate of proprietary $oftwarez.

--- Quote from: worker201 ---Programs live Avid, ProE, AutoCAD and others are ripe for open source replacement, and a little bitching from the users can help that to happen.
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Oh yeah inferior open source replacements. :rolleyes:

Running some programs under WINE is a solution but this is very unreliable but WINE could be better, people say it's not as good as it should be as evil M$ don't release the full Windows API listing but I don't see how this is a problem when nearly all the source code for Windows 2000 has been leaked over the Internet.

The best solution to the problem of software companies not supporting Linux would be if the Linux users them selves dropped their hate of all things proprietary then more companies would invest in Linux so it'd gain a higher userbase.

Even "THE MICE" is not an MS invention !

kind of makes you think don't it ?


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---piratePenguin,
Winblow$ Xpee B$ODomize$ me every 10 miniutes bullshit I'm sick of hearing about.
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The only time I ever see this "Winblow$ Xpee" crappy-speak is from yourself and skyman. Noone else here, other than the occasional troll, uses it.

We're generally more professional than "Winblow$ Xpee B$ODomize$", so either you'd better get your eyes checked, or have a bit of respect.

--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---I think you're using the word love too much, I don't love my computer, I don't love my stereo, I don't even love my car for fuck sake, what's you obsession with love? Just because you use something it doesn't mean you love it.
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I usually say "support".

--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---they wouldn't support Linux because of the Linux fanboys hate of proprietary $oftwarez.
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Funny, because there are only very few completely free operating system setups out there. My own being one.

Most GNU/Linux distributions ship with Java and all sorts of other non-free stuff. And when they don't, the first thing 90% of it's users do when they've installed the distribution is install Java or some other non-free software that they want.

--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---but I don't see how this is a problem when nearly all the source code for Windows 2000 has been leaked over the Internet.
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Er, I'd assume the wine guys would be in alot of legal trouble if they used that code.

--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---The best solution to the problem of software companies not supporting Linux would be if the Linux users them selves dropped their hate of all things proprietary then more companies would invest in Linux so it'd gain a higher userbase.
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Not many GNU/Linux users hate "all things proprietary" so even if we all did retreat, I doubt it'd make much difference.


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