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Oh sorry, just rememberd this thread, again you're being overly simplistic. I sorry I can't give a yes/no answer to your question.


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---Oh sorry, just rememberd this thread, again you're being overly simplistic. I sorry I can't give a yes/no answer to your question.
--- End quote ---
So it is and isn't inherently less innovative?
If you believe that the licence has no say on the matter - then it should be a simple no!

This thread is still active, wow.

I was answering this:

--- Quote from: priatePenguin ---I asked you if you believe that non-free is the way things shouldn't be
--- End quote ---

I can't say yes or no because it's not that simple.

Anyway I regret restarting this debat now as it's ceased being productive. Let's discuss things we agree on now, are you still interested in electronics?

I've had to switch from electronics to electrical at work because they didn't have any electronic job vacancies, I'm glad of this because I can keep it as my hobby. I'm concerned now that there's no future in electronic engineering in the UK, most of the available jobs seem to be electrical as we will always need power.


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---are you still interested in electronics?
--- End quote ---
Yea, I guess a job in electronics would be pretty cool, but I think I'm gonna be an accountant or something totally unrelated to my hobbies.


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