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Vista Requirments: wtf?

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--- Quote ---Hefty hardware requirements for Windows Vista[/b]

 Hardware vendors are going to love the news that Windows Vista is going to need very beefy hardware to run well. At Microsoft's TechEd conference, Dan Warne finally managed to squeeze blood from a stone
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It runs faster than XP... but only a rig thats ten times more powerful than XP's requirements.... and it has to run encryption/decryption routines on its main peripheral bus to do it...ok does anyone see the logic here?

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If you don't comply with PVP, we're going to downscale the quality upon playback
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You know, I had a choice when I bought parts for my computer.

I choose IDE instead of SATA. So now I can't use Windows Vista (not that I wanted to anyway) because I have IDE? Fuck that!

Also, Microsoft is going to upset quite some gamers by making the desktop OpenGL'ed and requirering 256 MB of video memory to run properly!
Microsoft is fucking nuts!

I know MS has a history of having unreasonable system requirements, but this really takes the piss which is why I don't believe this, it must be bullshit. There's no way they'll be able to sell Vista if t requires hardware as powerfull as this to run, perhapps this is only with all the eye candy and 3D special effects turned on.

This is just insane. Fortunately it doesn't concern me at all.


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