Author Topic: Vista Requirments: wtf?  (Read 4836 times)


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Re: Vista Requirments: wtf?
« Reply #15 on: 7 September 2005, 21:56 »

little hard on the words butt...

In bulgaria when you chat over something that does not support
images you use the common smiliy faces .;) :} :] 8) :? .:p :Pp

and .;p :Pp as you might have guesed is :p(well a smile stick out toungue as if it is saying ")told you so"

; == :
.; == (strong impression)

I am still not going to use vista (unleas some one gives away that type of pc or i get rich suddenly)

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Re: Vista Requirments: wtf?
« Reply #16 on: 7 September 2005, 22:01 »
hmm.... my ram says its has a 64bit bandwith so..........


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Re: Vista Requirments: wtf?
« Reply #17 on: 7 September 2005, 22:04 »
Quote from: Jack2000
In bulgaria when you chat over something that does not support
images you use the common smiliy faces .;) :} :] 8) :? .:p :Pp
Those are some wierd smiley faces, I better stay away from that place.
« Last Edit: 7 September 2005, 22:05 by piratePenguin »
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Macintosh amends a damned around the requested typewriter. Macintosh urges a scarce design. Macintosh postulates an autobiography. Macintosh tolls the solo variant. Why does a winter audience delay macintosh? The maker tosses macintosh. Beneath female suffers a double scum. How will a rat cube the heavier cricket? Macintosh calls a method. Can macintosh nest opposite the headache? Macintosh ties the wrong fairy. When can macintosh stem the land gang? Female aborts underneath macintosh. Inside macintosh waffles female. Next to macintosh worries a well.


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Re: Vista Requirments: wtf?
« Reply #18 on: 7 September 2005, 22:14 »
They are that way for every diferent sm face ever made graphic :)
How is microsoft going to justify those Requirments,
are they nuts some of the parts are not even accessible
for us(as in we) mortals


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Re: Vista Requirments: wtf?
« Reply #19 on: 8 September 2005, 00:21 »
Do you guys not read well?
Quote from: "article"
In a 32 bit environment, half a gig of RAM is heaps. It's going to fly.

That's 512MB RAM, which is what you need now to get basic apps like Photoshop and Illustrator to open a 100MB file.
Quote from: "article"
But they need to have 128MB of RAM on it. If they've only got 64 don't panic.

64MB of video is considered ghetto nowadays anyway, right?

Quote from: "jenda"
This is just insane. Fortunately it doesn't concern me at all.



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Re: Vista Requirments: wtf?
« Reply #20 on: 8 September 2005, 02:05 »
Everyone talks about "oh, that's not much nowadays...."  Why do you like buying new computers and equipment so often?  Nothing in Vista (that could be made to be less demanding) is really worth buying a bunch of new stuff.
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Re: Vista Requirments: wtf?
« Reply #21 on: 8 September 2005, 05:37 »
Heh, another reason to scream FUCK YOU MICROSOFT!

I read that article and almost fell out of my chair laughing. Way to ALIENATE your current customer base isn't it Microsoft?

Dumbass greedy corporate whores...



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Re: Vista Requirments: wtf?
« Reply #22 on: 8 September 2005, 06:32 »
Quote from: Refalm

Also, Microsoft is going to upset quite some gamers by making the desktop OpenGL'ed and requirering 256 MB of video memory to run properly!
Microsoft is fucking nuts!

The desktop won't be OpenGL.  This is Microsoft, the company who wants to replace open standards with inferior proprietary ones, remember?  It's run on Direct3D.  In fact, this makes the desktop incompatible with OpenGL unless the OpenGL program is running full screen (in which case the desktop is essentially not running).  Ok for games, bad for those modelling and CAD programs, no?

I'm not speculating on this.  It was in slashdot a few months back.
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Re: Vista Requirments: wtf?
« Reply #23 on: 8 September 2005, 06:40 »
Quote from: worker201
That's 512MB RAM, which is what you need now to get basic apps like Photoshop and Illustrator to open a 100MB file.

I use Photoshop with a document that's about 75MB, and it takes ten minutes to open with 256MB RAM and a Celeron processor. :(

Quote from: coppercore
Heh, another reason to scream FUCK YOU MICROSOFT!

I read that article and almost fell out of my chair laughing. Way to ALIENATE your current customer base isn't it Microsoft?

Dumbass greedy corporate whores...


They'll certainly piss off their customer base, but the ones Microsoft truly cares about are locked in with long-term subscription agreements. There's long been theories of a Microsoft-Intel conspiracy to drive up system requirements to force new hardware purchases, and Vista proves it. Nobody's really being alienated, since 95% of Microsoft's current customers will cry a bit, then bend over and buy Vista and new hardware. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the MPAA-owned Congress decides to mandate Vista and ban current OSes and hardware. :PISSED:
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<3M> ok guys i've finally got my windows me machine up and running again :D
if everything seems to be running well on windows me you've obviously overlooked something....
<3M> who is general failure and why is he reading my hard disc :(
somehow, "i told you so" doesn't quite say it ;)


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Re: Vista Requirments: wtf?
« Reply #24 on: 8 September 2005, 10:46 »
for me, windows ends at XP 64. my system will run vista, and prob laugh at it asking for more, but those req's are stupid. and as my pc will be a media center, i want hi-def, but i aint gunna go and buy a HDTV just to watch hi-def properly. and about the ram. 512 meg for 32 bit. with chunks twice the size in 64 bit, in my mind, that means 1 gig of ram, not 2.
Windows XP Service Pack 2. Because we couldn't be arsed the first time.

Windows 98 Second Edition. Look, now you don't need that bloody CD to install new hardware.

Windows Vista. Even your computer knows you have a small penis.

Windows Blackcomb. We are planning the OS after Vista, which is allready a year late.

Windows ME, the Marmite Operating System.

XP Mobile. Take your errors with you.


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Re: Vista Requirments: wtf?
« Reply #25 on: 8 September 2005, 18:47 »
My math says that the advantage of 64 bit processing is the time saved processing a certain required amount of data. NOT FILLING UP MY RAM WITH TWICE (NOT TO MENTION 4* - WTF) THE AMOUNT OF CRAP!!!


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Re: Vista Requirments: wtf?
« Reply #26 on: 8 September 2005, 21:39 »
Quote from: Annorax
I use Photoshop with a document that's about 75MB, and it takes ten minutes to open with 256MB RAM and a Celeron processor. :(

Celery processor is your first mistake :D

Actually, I'm surprised you get it to open at all.  Just using Windows at all takes up at least 150MB, and Photoshop takes at least 50 more.  Doubling your RAM would make such a difference that you would think you died and went to heaven.

In my job, I make Encapsulated PostScript maps all the time.  One such map only took up 20MB of disk space, but it had well over 300,000 lines of EPS code!  My Windows box has 1.5GB of RAM, but Illustrator10 went into a coma long before it could open this file - I let it thrash about for over an hour before giving up.  Then I took the file home and tried to open it on my Mac, which has 640MB RAM.  It took about 25 minutes, but Illustrator CS finally opened it.  Unfortunately, switching from the zoom tool to the arrow tool was too much for it, and it told me to forget about it.

Of course this is totally off topic.  This is just the story I like to tell people who wonder what's so bad about Windows.  Memory management, that's what's so bad.  Everything else is almost excusable.  But the memory management is awful, and never going to change.  Even 1.5 GB won't save you.


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Re: Vista Requirments: wtf?
« Reply #27 on: 27 September 2005, 12:43 »
Quote from: Jenda
This is just insane. Fortunately it doesn't concern me at all.

You said it. I'm staying with my Mac.
I'm often asked why I hate Microsoft - "What did they ever do to you?". Well, I'll tell you. They made dodgy programs and standards which have wasted hundreds of hours of my time involving lost work in crashes and stupidity.