All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Vista Requirments: wtf?

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Everyone talks about "oh, that's not much nowadays...."  Why do you like buying new computers and equipment so often?  Nothing in Vista (that could be made to be less demanding) is really worth buying a bunch of new stuff.

Heh, another reason to scream FUCK YOU MICROSOFT!

I read that article and almost fell out of my chair laughing. Way to ALIENATE your current customer base isn't it Microsoft?

Dumbass greedy corporate whores...



--- Quote from: Refalm ---
Also, Microsoft is going to upset quite some gamers by making the desktop OpenGL'ed and requirering 256 MB of video memory to run properly!
Microsoft is fucking nuts!
--- End quote ---

The desktop won't be OpenGL.  This is Microsoft, the company who wants to replace open standards with inferior proprietary ones, remember?  It's run on Direct3D.  In fact, this makes the desktop incompatible with OpenGL unless the OpenGL program is running full screen (in which case the desktop is essentially not running).  Ok for games, bad for those modelling and CAD programs, no?

I'm not speculating on this.  It was in slashdot a few months back.


--- Quote from: worker201 ---That's 512MB RAM, which is what you need now to get basic apps like Photoshop and Illustrator to open a 100MB file.

--- End quote ---

I use Photoshop with a document that's about 75MB, and it takes ten minutes to open with 256MB RAM and a Celeron processor. :(

--- Quote from: coppercore ---Heh, another reason to scream FUCK YOU MICROSOFT!

I read that article and almost fell out of my chair laughing. Way to ALIENATE your current customer base isn't it Microsoft?

Dumbass greedy corporate whores...

--- End quote ---

They'll certainly piss off their customer base, but the ones Microsoft truly cares about are locked in with long-term subscription agreements. There's long been theories of a Microsoft-Intel conspiracy to drive up system requirements to force new hardware purchases, and Vista proves it. Nobody's really being alienated, since 95% of Microsoft's current customers will cry a bit, then bend over and buy Vista and new hardware. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the MPAA-owned Congress decides to mandate Vista and ban current OSes and hardware. :PISSED:

for me, windows ends at XP 64. my system will run vista, and prob laugh at it asking for more, but those req's are stupid. and as my pc will be a media center, i want hi-def, but i aint gunna go and buy a HDTV just to watch hi-def properly. and about the ram. 512 meg for 32 bit. with chunks twice the size in 64 bit, in my mind, that means 1 gig of ram, not 2.


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