All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Vista Requirments: wtf?

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man! when vista comes out, those machines running vista will cost like 4-5 grand.  I'm not upgrading from xp sp1.  fuck.. even sp2 slows down my machine.  and also by the time vista comes out, suse will be taking over all of my windows xp needs. *fingers crossed*

Lead Head:
thats a huge jump from from the minimum 233MHz cpu for XP. i need windows for gamin, i use linux for everything else, if they make me upgrade to vista....................


--- Quote from: Lead Head ---if they make me upgrade to vista....................
--- End quote ---
Who's gonna make ya?

Microsoft doesn't control which software you choose to put on your computer. You do.


--- Quote ---"If you move from 32 to 64 bit, you basically need to at least double your memory. 2 gigs in 64 bit is the equivalent of a gig of RAM on a 32bit machine. That's because you're dealing with chunks that are twice the size...
--- End quote ---

What the fuck?

Muhahahhahahahha "}

Told you .. :Pp

But you would not listen now would you!!!!!
But noooooo instead you come and say ooh the big bad M$ is gona take our cash

You should have listen to the guy with internal sources(hell every bulgarian is going to tell you everything (as long as you are bulgarian too))

Now suck on M$ big rocket or revert to 98 \ Unix


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