Thank you very much, at the moment I can't get my harddrive (hitachi utility won't run on my computer) to work as it should so I am not able to start out yet. Even a very simple CAD program will work so those recommendations are great. Unfortunately, I had to stick with ATI with this computer, and the last time I tried to get my Radeon 9000 working with X, I failed. Nvidia's drivers were supper easy to install though.
On a side note: Does Linux still run very well on Nforce chipsets (as in did this carry over to the later Nforce chipsets)?
And thank you for welcoming to the forums, I am mostly here to learn a little more. I'm tired of microsoft pushing everyone around. Corporations (especially microsoft and large energy companies) need to learn that business is not making mass amount of money at the expense of quality and customer's benefit, and that they don't need to kill competition to be successful.
Also, Bill Gates is a donkey prick, that speech he gave to a graduating class shows what an egocentric ass he is.