All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows Vista - 7 different versions

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--- Quote from: solemnwarning ---kernel 2.6.15?!?! kernel is current cer, what are you smoking?  :p
--- End quote ---

Whoops, make that


--- Quote from: worker201 ---Whoops, make that
--- End quote ---

lol, most of my boxes run custom builds of :)

lol...I don't even know what kernel I use, as long as it works.

Having 7 versions of windows in my mind is similar to the many distributions of linux. If you're too dumb to work out which one is right for you...tough. I don't really care as I'm not buying it.


--- Quote from: Pathos ---Having 7 versions of windows in my mind is similar to the many distributions of linux.
--- End quote ---
Err, I disagree.
I can only see the disadvantages (for the user) on the Windows end of things (just read my previous posts in this thread)..

I consider all the different GNU/Linux distributions a good thing because each is targeted at a different type of user, and experienced users can have much more control over their computer than new users. I don't think Windows users will ever enjoy the same kind of choice, and the same kind of control over the software their computer runs.

I agree with piratePenguin these differant versions of Windows won't be that differant to each other. I would agree if they were a few mainly command line driven versions for server and programmers then others geared more at gamers and desktop applications but this won't be the case ven if MS want to imply it is.


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