All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows Vista - 7 different versions
Why didn't they just have one DVD with all the data
and then let you choose !
Lead Head:
it would have to be 2 DVDs, or 1DVD and a CD, or 1 DVD and a micro CD, or 1DVD and 200Floppy discs, or 4900 floppy discs
No, it's because they can charge differant prices for differant versions in the hope that more people will use their shit. Leadhead you are wrong in saying that you'd need more than one DVD as all seven versions will be pretty similar to one another, LOL they might be exectly the same except for a few minor changes in the set up program. :D
--- Quote from: Lead Head ---how is limiting it to 3 windows or programs or whatever gonna help users ? So what when they learned enough and want to upgade they have to pay more!!?
--- End quote ---
EXACTLY!!! So, Microsoft is going to tell me how many programs I can run simultaneously on MY computer??? No thanks, right now I'm running OpenOffice, Firefox, XMMS, GKRellM, Thunderbird, SciTE, and not paying a damn penny. Thanks Microsoft, but go shove it.
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