All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

New Office for Windows

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--- Quote from: Pathos ---I do all my typing in a program not much more complex than notepad.

Then I format/spell check it.

I find this twice as productive, all the fancy buttons and the autoformating is a pain in the ass and if you do it afterwards you'll do it twice as fast because you don't waste as much time mucking around while you're typing it.
--- End quote ---

 Sounds reasonable. I really hate the autoformatting crap.

You can turn all of that shit off you know.


--- Quote from: Pathos ---I do all my typing in a program not much more complex than notepad.

Then I format/spell check it.
--- End quote ---

Vim 7 is going to include a spellings checker. If it's out, you're going to be thrilled, I'm sure of it :)


I agree the new beta office is terrible, the colour scheme for me is bad and the over done amount of buttons makes it look simply ugly.


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