All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

New Office for Windows

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Thats one ass ugly interface, and Im sure what ever comes out will be bloated and buggy as hell. It really bummed me out when WP and Lotus allowed themselves to become irrelevent. I think WP 6x and lotus are still better than anything M$ has put out.
Im sure this new version of office is going to take up even more HD space and be a bigger pain in the ass than Oriffice 2003. I prefer Open Office. Hopefully it will continue to improve.

Office 2000 is pretty good, I reckon that's the best Office version to date, just like Windows 2000 is the best Windows OS to date. ;)

I think WP and Lotus were the best products of their class.

Word Perfect did in fact rock.  And Quattro, Corel's spreadsheet, was light years ahead of Excel.  Ah, the good old days.

So was lotus 123 for DOS with wysiswyg, and windows 3.1. Excel blow turds.


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