All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

New Office for Windows

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I agree also.  There wasn't much difference between office 97 and 2000, so there was little reason to replace office 97 with 2000.  Office XP was a big step backwards and is frustrating to use.  This looks even worse.

But of course, MS is changing the document format again.

It Burrrrnsss!!! Precious, It Burrrrnsssss!!!

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worked fine for the rest of us i think.

and as for the software.. i dont know how well it performs as an application, but the interface sucks ass.  i mean who the hell wants half their screen cluttered with buttons and switches?  ok, maybe i'm being a little too exaggerative here, but why the hell is the toolbar(s) so thick??
i wont even bother downloading a demo (if they offer one) for this one.  i'll just stick with wordperfect and abiword.

You may be able to reduce the menu sizes.

It will be easier than popup menus because those are too fiddly on larger monitors.

I right click anyway.


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