All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

If you really want to fuck IE users...

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actually there *was* code that you could embed in a web page to delete your choice of files or folders on xp.  microsoft took two months to fix it.  the reason was "well service pack one is coming out soon. we don't want to release a patch when we can just fix it with service pack one."
i think you can read about it at but yeah any windows comouter that hasnt got service pack one or any of the hotfixes after that is vulnerable to having bits deleted.  nice script though (vb is *not* what i would call better than a scripting language... i mean perl kicks its arse.)  I must add this to my debian servers index page 8-).

i wouldn't mind knowing that exploit for pre-service pack one, maybe i will have to google it...

Ok i tried running that script in IE 5.1 for os ten how come it didn't work ?

Feel free to send people here if you want to show it off:

I assume the URL will be perfect to lure script kiddies.  :rolleyes:  It also has the thingie that crashes win9x.

I tried your test on my fuckdows machine and it didn't work, unless you're setting up some sort of trap.
Doublecheck that link!


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