Author Topic: Another Linux Distro (screenshots)  (Read 5027 times)


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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #15 on: 19 October 2005, 11:16 »
It seems like you're serious, are you going to be including any Office software like ABI Word or OpenOffice?

Ever considered adding Opera for the default web browser or do you want this to be a competely open source distro?
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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #16 on: 21 October 2005, 10:56 »
Opera as main browser: maybe. Although I don't think it's distributed as a slackware package, meaning every new version will have to be repackaged. Firefox is a tgz package, easy to get working. It already required a few adjustments...

As for abiword, yes definitely. I was going to throw that on there earlier. X-Chat is definitely being thrown out. irssi rocks! And, we can keep perl for something :D.

ssh and all those apps are there... sshd is there for those who want to set it up.

I'll make a new desktop image now.

And then I'll throw in some more apps.

Edit: the image involves Tux throwing stones at a windows logo. It looks much better than the boot screen, don't worry. I rendered it in Bryce. Pic coming soon.

Edit 2: whoops, tree was in the wrong place. Re-render!
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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #17 on: 21 October 2005, 12:54 »
Yeah dude... keep working on it. I'll be happy to try it.


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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #18 on: 21 October 2005, 13:11 »
Hmm my powerbook is faster than I thought... it's done already.

How's that?

I used the tux model from

Now, to put that jpeg into flying chair.
« Last Edit: 21 October 2005, 13:27 by themacuser »
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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #19 on: 21 October 2005, 13:54 »
Ok, more screenshots!

It now doesn't look boring and grey, does it?

X-Chat has been cut out in this build, irssi is being put back, along with perl.

Module list so far is

Base: - kernel and sbin stuff - core bits and pieces, drivers - WindowMaker - X server

Depend packages:

Application packages:

Config package:

So yes, at this point in time, it is just a fancy firefox loader :P
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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #20 on: 21 October 2005, 15:29 »
What program did you use to create these graphics?
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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #21 on: 21 October 2005, 20:28 »
Quote from: themacuser
Edit: the image involves Tux throwing stones at a windows logo. It looks much better than the boot screen, don't worry. I rendered it in Bryce. Pic coming soon.

Bryce maybe? ;)


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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #22 on: 22 October 2005, 06:24 »
Update again - abiword runs :D

irssi wasn't running, so I redownloaded and converted the perl module. I went to delete the old one... and it wasn't there. Slax already has perl, but it's 5.8.6, not 5.8.7. So I just deleted the /usr/lib/perl/5.8.7 directory and symlinked it to /usr/lib/perl/5.8.6 and irssi runs fine. Now to make a rc script to do that at boot time. Slightly hackish though. I might incorporate 5.8.7 it into the module, or wait until slax updates it.

Current package list:

Some of them are prefixed with numbers, so they load in the right order. The missing numbers are packages that once were there, I'll fix the numbers soon. Gaim will be added soon. We already have gtk and perl, we only need tcl iirc.

It's slightly tricky to do all this, this is what people had to do before apt-get...

How I do it:

1. boot up flying chair in vpc
2. find program i want
3. download slackware package of program i want
4. sftp to mac from flying chair
5. get tgz package from mac
6. convert to module
7. sftp module back to mac
8. on mac side, throw in the slax directory
9. do uselivemod on the module, if it freezes, goto 13
10. run program, if it works, go back to 1.
11. if it doesn't work, find what it needs and goto 3
12. if any configuration changes were made, configsave to a module and sftp it back to the mac
13. copy all modules to base directory on slax dir
14. call the script from the mac (you just need makeisofs on the mac, that can be found anywhere)
15. eject iso from virtual pc and replace with new one
16. goto 1.

Complicated but it works well, and if you keep two xterms open, it's not that hard. uselivemod occasionally freezes the entire system, this is a known bug in the linux live scripts. (not my fault).

Only problem so far that I know of is that the USB driver causes a segmentation fault when loading on virtual pc, but this doesn't happen on real hardware afaik. Flying chair still boots fine and runs.
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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #23 on: 22 October 2005, 12:53 »
Oops, slight config messup. All windowmaker settings are gone. Recreated and better now.

Perl should work now with irssi
Edit: it doesn't. I'll just install perl 5.8.7 until slax updates.

And I changed my mind about vi, nano is going in instead.

Edit again:
New configs:
  • New title bar font - Luxi Sans
  • abiword added and runs now
  • irssi runs (but must make it not run as root, see screenshot)
  • firefox still working

And here's a screenshot:

Oh, and one of the advantages of this distro is that it will run on very dodgy machines - it runs fine on virtualpc on my powerbook g4 - which emulates a pentium II with MMX... about 233MHZ actual performance iirc. It's not too slow and laggy like Win2K runs.

Probably even faster for a HD install (you can, but why?).

This distro is really starting to look nice.

I'll fix up the desktop a bit - I'll render the desktop pic at full bryce quality settings, 1600x1200 (will probably take 8 hours, full quality is really OTT...)

Edit again: irssi runs as guest. Must fix the fact that the xterm says sudo, but that should be simple.

Another edit: Going on a rampage. Adding vlc, gaim, and maybe a few games.

edit: maybe not vlc.

edit: gaim runs:

I'm often asked why I hate Microsoft - "What did they ever do to you?". Well, I'll tell you. They made dodgy programs and standards which have wasted hundreds of hours of my time involving lost work in crashes and stupidity.


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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #24 on: 22 October 2005, 21:45 »
Congrats! Taking a look at the screen shots etc has made be leave you are actually ganna work with it! Hurray; I congratulate you on beating the "omfg l33t hax0r" barrier.

Keep up the good work, it looks to cool to die :D.


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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #25 on: 23 October 2005, 01:47 »
Thanks. I am usually committed to my projects though.

You might think that from just the bootscreen, but I posted that because it was the only finished bit.

I'm going to add some dockapps soon, like a clock, load meter, net monitor etc...

That bryce render (started when my last post happened: is still going on the last pass, then has to antialias) could really be a while. I did it on the maximum settings at 1600x1200. Damn, I should have done it as a tiled network render, it could have been so much faster. I mean, a dual 1.25 G4, another 1.33GHZ PowerBook G4, a 250MHZ 3400 and a 333MHZ G3 all helping... that would make it so much faster. 4 times :S

Edit: I cancelled it. It looks no better than the one on standard quality. And I need some CPU to get some work done...

I could have reniced it but it still would have taken ages.

Edit again, when the G4 is not being used, I'll boot it into 10.3.

And as for a media player, I think i'll keep vlc...

New desktop in progress: how do you like it? Tux holds this gun and shoots the hell out of a target practice picture of Gates and Ballmer...


There. Now to add gates and ballmer...
Those shell casings drove me insane though, it took ages to get them all in the right place - I randomized their positions with bryce and then put them in place one by one so they weren't underground or levitating...

Edit again: And damn, there was a whole other side to that gun...

Edit again: w00t.

Two 1600x1200 desktops:

And the new one!

Damn, forgot to antialias it. Rendering it again WITH antialiasing.

Here's that antialiased version. Have fun...

Bloody hell, another update!

Two gamma corrected versions. I'm not going to bother uploading them, they only have to be used inside flying chair.

Ok, another update:
(think how much higher my post count would be if I had hit reply instead of edit)

Xterms are now the l33t standard, that is green text on black. A minor change. Makes me feel more at home. Shame they don't do transparency though. (my Mac OS X terminals are semitransparent green on black).
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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #26 on: 29 October 2005, 12:34 »

In reverse chronological order. Now to actually get some decent stuff working ON the software to put over the top of these desktops...

Edit: Huh? (fixed order)
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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #27 on: 30 October 2005, 02:41 »
Ok, I compiled a few dockapps for windowmaker. I'll try and throw them in. I fixed the module list by merging the config modules into one. And I got the random background on boot script almost working. w00t.

Edit: w00t, it works!
I'm often asked why I hate Microsoft - "What did they ever do to you?". Well, I'll tell you. They made dodgy programs and standards which have wasted hundreds of hours of my time involving lost work in crashes and stupidity.


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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #28 on: 31 October 2005, 09:16 »
Looks cool! Might try it on my dell, post here when you've got a download.

Windowmaker reminds me of NextStep... brings back memories...

I used to love NextStep.

Can't wait to see those dockapps working though.


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Re: Another Linux Distro
« Reply #29 on: 31 October 2005, 09:18 »
Thanks for the feedback. Glad you like it.

Windowmaker would remind you of NextStep because it's made to look like it.

I'll get the dockapps working in the next few days.


Damn, probably bad design to throw what you want on the bottom of the picture :P

Ah well...
I'm often asked why I hate Microsoft - "What did they ever do to you?". Well, I'll tell you. They made dodgy programs and standards which have wasted hundreds of hours of my time involving lost work in crashes and stupidity.