All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Netscape to Ship on New HP Computers
--- Quote from: WMD ---I hope you only mean desktops.
--- End quote ---
Sorry but I don't. They overheat, their mobos die quick, their customer service is ass. They suck as a company too, having been sued for billions of dollars for faulty products in the last 6 years.[/url],aid,103700,00.asp
This year I've worked on 2 Toshiba laptops, one was stone dead and the other had just got back from being returned. There's no way I'd buy a Toshiba laptop.
Oh and they also sold milling equipment to the Soviet Union in violation of international law back in the 1980s.
Also to get back on topic, I think you should all remember that Netscape is not the underdog they where back in the 90s. They are owned by AOL which is just as evil and corrupt as Microsoft, IMO.
I think you mean "They sold milling equipment to the Soviet Union in violation of American treaties."
Nothing to do with International Law, just American arrogance and typical bulling of other nations.
--- Quote from: kintaro ---I think you mean "They sold milling equipment to the Soviet Union in violation of American treaties."
Nothing to do with International Law, just American arrogance and typical bulling of other nations.
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How is it "bullying" when over 20 nations took part in the CoCom treaty?
And furthermore, the CoCom treaty was a response of the Western world against East Bloc Communism. Are you telling me you sympathize with Communists?
--- Quote from: JanusChrist ---How is it "bullying" when over 20 nations took part in the CoCom treaty?
And furthermore, the CoCom treaty was a response of the Western world against East Bloc Communism. Are you telling me you sympathize with Communists?
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Yes, I do.
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