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XP User Deception

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Meh, PC's and Linux own macs personally.

Reasons that Linux on PCs can't...

1) No Drag-and-Drop installs

2) Manual configuration of anything

3) No Quartz

4) No standard Human Interface Guidelines

5) Just another UNIX

Now, in the end, it's a perference thing. I want to get a peecee and try Linux on it, specifically Fedora. Everything I hear about it says it's great.

I think OS X is far beyond Linux... but Linux has now evolved to a point where it's nearly good enough to be a full business desktop. It just needs to evolve a little more, and drop some of the UNIXness to succeed on the consumer desktop!

WTF is wrong with it being Unix? I agree it has to evolve a little more, and since it's better than Mac in that it's open source and evolving faster, but why drop the Unix?

Have you even used a mac? Nothing beats a mac. I tried to use Linux as a replacement for osX and quickly realised the futility of such a move.

Just because Mac is now Unix based doesn't mean it's going to be identical. Since it was based on an open source module, OpenBSD, it took a vigorously different turn than did the Linux OS you tried. Linux and Mac are far from being the same.


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