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Hugo Chavez vs Microsoft

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--- Quote from: Refalm ---He gave an interview on ABC.
Chavez claiwed that the US was planning an invasion from te Dutch Antilles.

It's known that Venezuela wants to take the islands from the Netherlands.
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I know that Chavez suspected the U.S. of planning an invasion from the Dutch Antilles (and I suspect he was right). But I've never heard anything about Chavez wanting to invade or annex the islands. Given his talent for allying with other nations, I would think he'd cozy up to the local government and make some sort of agreement.


--- Quote from: DavidB ---But I've never heard anything about Chavez wanting to invade or annex the islands. Given his talent for allying with other nations, I would think he'd cozy up to the local government and make some sort of agreement.
--- End quote ---

Venuzuela wants the islands for decades, it's old news really.


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