Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking

index.dat vs. a batch script

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It would be nice to have a batch script that would empty the contents of the
various index.dat files every 5 seconds... or whatever.

It would be nice if I knew how to write batch files.

It would be nice if someone could tell me where I could find such a script...  :p

Its a fucking batch file, I could tell you how but I find it to funny that you are so lame you cannot even write one.


--- Quote from: mud ---It would be nice to have a batch script that would empty the contents of the
various index.dat files every 5 seconds... or whatever.

It would be nice if I knew how to write batch files.

It would be nice if someone could tell me where I could find such a script...  :p
--- End quote ---

Bash scripts and crontab on Linux is much easier. Stop using Windows.

I use Linux as well as windows.

After reading the "Microsoft's Really Hidden Files" article on this site,
I thought that a batch file might help.

Hey kintaro,
It's interesting that you should have a mental health topic on your forum... :D

This really should've been binned anyway because it's requesting Windows help which is agains the rules.


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