Author Topic: Hey guys, I need a little help here  (Read 1138 times)


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Hey guys, I need a little help here
« on: 14 October 2005, 14:13 »
Long time no see, eh? I finally found that text file where I had all my passowrds & stuff written down.

But I need a little help. As you can see here I posted a comment that on slashdot that Gates uses a Mac. Anyone got any links to sites about that? Google isn't giving me anything good. i do know that a guy was fired from MS for photogrpahing Macs being delivered to the building, but now I can't find that article. Anyone wanna help? I'd much appreciate it.:)


Edit: Oh, now that I found the site again and my password, I'm back. I kept winding up at some other site, I couldn't figure out where this site went. I actually got here by mis-typing "microsucks" believe it or not.
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Re: Hey guys, I need a little help here
« Reply #1 on: 14 October 2005, 17:13 »
Well, the site was down for a short period around the beginning of this year, i believe.

Might have been why you couldn't find it :-D

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Re: Hey guys, I need a little help here
« Reply #2 on: 15 October 2005, 01:53 »
Haha, I read that post before.  You're a memeber here too!

I doubt Gates would use a Mac.  Maybe back in the day when Windows was unbearable, but now it's merely mediocre, so as Chairman I would think he uses it.
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