All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Gates describes Blu-Ray DRM as "Anti-Consumer"
Wow......Bill Gates for once gives a flying fuck about consumer rights - but only because his financial interests are at stake. It's hardly surprising - Intel & Microsoft have decided to support the (IMO) inferior HD DVD format, and it hasn't taken long for them to start slagging off blu-ray. And either I'm imagining things, but I thought that content providers were pissed off that the DVD format's copy protection is, for lack of a better term, a joke. So blu-ray would be rather attractive to content providers from that point of view.
(EDIT: And it is just a teeny bit ironic that Bill expects us to bend over and accept HIS DRM, but someone else's is just plain evil. How the hell do people get away with such hypocrisy????)
Yeah, it's stupid. But only until someone cracks HIS drm in the consumer interest, and he calls them evil.
--- Quote from: TB ---How the hell do people get away with such hypocrisy????
--- End quote ---
Because people generally don't give a crap about such things whenever they're out to buy something / etc.
It's terrible.
Well, I read the article, and it seems to be Bill just saying more nothing to support his product.
However, this doesn't change the fact that Blu-ray must ******* die. When Sony put the self-destruct sequence in the player spec, Blu-ray became totally evil.
It's a fucking waste and an environmental nightmare, too.
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