All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Gates describes Blu-Ray DRM as "Anti-Consumer"
--- Quote from: Narf Man ---Forget what Billy has to say about it... DRM is in and of itself evil, and the new shiz is becoming downright satanic.
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Now to think about it, the right choice is probably C: None of the above. Maybe it's time to say to hell with both new formats (but especially the blu-ray).
I don't care much for them, the change in storage space doesn't seem enough.
DVD's replaced videos, HDDVD and Blueray are good for HD tvs but you can't backup your hard drive on them. And who owns a HD tv?
Games need more storage tho. Hell, debian will fit onto a single disc :D .
--- Quote from: Jack2000 ---:) do you remember why Hitler
failed ??
--- End quote ---
Yeah, because he was addicted to meth and dying from syphilis. Learned that from the History Channel.
--- Quote from: Pathos ---I don't care much for them, the change in storage space doesn't seem enough.
DVD's replaced videos, HDDVD and Blueray are good for HD tvs but you can't backup your hard drive on them. And who owns a HD tv?
Games need more storage tho. Hell, debian will fit onto a single disc :D .
--- End quote ---
Not enough change in storage?
CD-'bout 1GB max
DVD- 'bout 9.5GB max
HD DVD- 30GB max
Blu-ray- 50GB max
So a change of 20.5GB min isn't enough? And why can't you back up your hard drive on 50GB? Just how much stuff do you have on your comp?
I agree though the DRM will suck. No one thinks of the pirates any more.
Backing up 50GB at 2x speed. Now that's a punishment fit for gates,
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