Author Topic: Lazy Verizon Whores!  (Read 702 times)


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Lazy Verizon Whores!
« on: 1 November 2005, 22:26 »
My parents have a pretty snazzy new Windows Media Center PC.  They also have DSL service from Verizon, who is also our local telephone service provider.  As you probably know, this involves a little box that sits next to your computer called a DSL modem.  Well, one night last month, the damn thing quit working.  It wouldn't give up the old IP address and take a new one (via DHCP).  Endless restarts, resettings, and general kickboxing didn't make it work again.  Time to hit the phone for technical support.  Normally, I would do this, but I had to jet off to the tropics for a month, so my parents had to solve their own tech problems.

I don't know the specifics, but I guess those Verizon whores tried to convince my parents that they needed a new computer.  A NEW COMPUTER!!!!!!!!  I guess tech support thought that the network controller had exploded or something, taking the entire motherboard with it.  After calling some other PC experts, and the Compaq support hotline, my parents realized that getting a new computer probably wouldn't solve shit.  So they began a 2-week argument with Verizon that their computer was not at fault.  This involved faxing specifications to Verizon, Verizon calling Compaq to verify that the network card was installed correctly, etc, etc.

Finally, Verizon sent a tech out to the house.  He plugged in a brand new DSL modem, and it worked like a charm.  45 seconds, and he was out the door.

Thank god my parents are tight with their money - otherwise, they would have been swindled out of multiple thousands of dollars.  There's probably some poor schmucks out there who weren't wise to this scam and got burned by Verizon's incompetent bullshit.  If there's a signal coming into the house and the computer can't get it, and everythin is connected, the modem is broken - that's basically axiomatic.  Why would Verizon not check this at first?  Do they have some sort of scam going with Best Buy?

I always knew Verizon were useless pigs.  And now I have capital evidence.


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Re: Lazy Verizon Whores!
« Reply #1 on: 1 November 2005, 23:11 »
Does America have any good ISP's?

Here in the Netherlands, if you want quality, you should go for XS4ALL, Demon or SURFnet.


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Re: Lazy Verizon Whores!
« Reply #2 on: 1 November 2005, 23:36 »
In bulgaria you should can chose an ISP
acording to the town you live in :)
just Tracerout this ip :


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Re: Lazy Verizon Whores!
« Reply #3 on: 1 November 2005, 23:47 »
Speakeasy is apparently pretty good.

Edit: Refalm, your title seems eerily familiar. :)


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Re: Lazy Verizon Whores!
« Reply #4 on: 2 November 2005, 04:53 »
I'm still waiting for verizon to release FiOS internet in my areas... they got most of NYC down right now.


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Re: Lazy Verizon Whores!
« Reply #5 on: 2 November 2005, 05:16 »
SBC works ok, but I wouldn't call it a good ISP. I would call it barely acceptable, although they have gotten better .. no more server downtime during daylight hours.


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Re: Lazy Verizon Whores!
« Reply #6 on: 2 November 2005, 07:32 »
Speakeasy is very good, up to 6Mbps service, and support for all major OSs.  And you're allowed to run servers.  They're rather expensive though, the 6Mbps is $99/month.

Verizion will be good in my book when they have that fiber service in my area.  I'd get it easily.

My ISP is BellSouth, formerly Southern Bell, of the Bell Telephone Company.  Despite this heritage, they have been quite good to me.  I lost a few modems due to power surges, but they replaced those fairly quickly and I've since kept them behind a UPS, and service has been great ever since.  And I've been running multiple servers for a long time now, and they don't seem to care (except I only have around 235kbps measured upload speed).
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Re: Lazy Verizon Whores!
« Reply #7 on: 2 November 2005, 15:42 »
Quote from: Jack2000

I prefer using traceroute, thank you ;)