Author Topic: Nero for Linux!!!!!!  (Read 10346 times)


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Re: Nero for Linux!!!!!!
« Reply #60 on: 20 January 2007, 12:49 »
they already have proprietary extensions to the openxml 2003 i wouldn't expect this project to be different.


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Re: Nero for Linux!!!!!!
« Reply #61 on: 20 January 2007, 13:50 »
for example if MS released MS Office for Linux could you seriously see it included with many distros?
As if MS would allow that, haha.

Most distros have a commitment to free software, or open source software. They ship it only when they feel they really have to (e.g. Ubuntu). People are free to install non-free software on top of it if they wish, or stick to mostly-free software.

And I would think insisting on greed for an income should be an illegitimate means of making money. That's what I think.
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Re: Nero for Linux!!!!!!
« Reply #62 on: 21 January 2007, 03:35 »
i said SUPERIOR not INFERIOR google docs could clean up!


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Re: Nero for Linux!!!!!!
« Reply #63 on: 22 January 2007, 16:24 »
jonez, re: microsoft getting involved in an open source project. Not so surprising. Have you heard of the term "embrace and extend"? a good example of this is netscape 2 extensions to html. As soon as a major vendor adopts nonstandard extensions to any protocol, this creates a fork, which divides the community and can easily kill both prongs of the fork, like the BSDs in fact.

re: if MS office was available for linux, how many distros would include it. probably about as many as currently include realplayer, ie, a couple, but not many. On the other hand, you would be able to get ms office for just about every distro and everybody who wanted it would have it. Of course this won't happen, because MS can't see a way of making money on it, using existing distribution techniques. They know the bulk of linux users won't pay through the nose for microsoft office like their windoid sheep will. That's the real reason ms office isn't out on linux.
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