All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Gates Renews Attacks on Education
Just a few days ago, Seattle's corporate mouthpieces, the Seattle Times (which endorsed George W. Bush) and Seattle P-I, announced that Bill Gates was cutting the Seattle School District off from several million dollars in donations because the schools aren't performing to Bill Gates' expectations. Real cute, after Bill Gates helped hamstring Seattle's schools.
If they were decent human beings, school administrators should have said, "Hooray! We DON'T WANT any more of Bill Gates' phony charity. We're going to try something novel - spend the far greater donations we get from taxpayers more wisely." But that's another story.
Today, Seattle's leading media whores revealed that Bill Gates Sr. is leading an effort to get three corporate stooges elected to the Seattle School Board. Why isn't exactly clear. The Seattle School Board is already composed of nothing but corporate stooges. Are these three individuals even more corrupt than the others? Or is this just a strategy for making the public think that politics isn't dead in Seattle, that candidates are fighting over seats when, in reality, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce has already decided who will be elected?
they must have tryed superior software
Yes they probably had far too many Macs and Linux machines.
Narf Man:
Dude... the Times and PI are nothing but ragsheets. I used to do single copy at Sea-Tac international, and let me say most people don't even realize the PI and Times are virtually the same paper.
Anyway, anyone or anything ought to be wary of a gift from M$... there are always strings attached. Take this for instance:
I listen to a Dance station out of seattle, which happens to be owned by the Seattle School district. ONE time I use "M$" in a post on their forum, and BAM! I get an ass-reaming by the admin. Sad.
M-dollar-sign is pretty disrespectful, and extremely stupid as well. As bad as MS is, there is no need to make yourself look like an ass.
Just like I would be an ass if i used the spelling De Beer$, even if they would be far more deserving of it.
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