All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Gates Renews Attacks on Education
This might be a good opportunity for the Seattle school district to go from XP to Linux, and hopefully spare a generation of americans from having to use expensive, buggy, resource hungry bloated and doesnt maximizes the hard that its used to run. It would be a good way to tell BIll and microsoft to go :fu: themselves. I doubt their smart enough to do that. After all they are politicians.
I got my feet wet on TI tr80. BTW BG also gave money to the Democrats as well.
It was a pain in the ass when I did system support. The company I was working for was too cheap to flip for a mass updater product that blasted updates to every pc in the network. The users were told not to open emails that contained the virus but despite that they did, and everything went to shit on the windows boxes. The linux boxes remained unaffected. FUCK M$:fu:
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---This issue keeps rearing its ugly head time and time again on this forum. I think using M$ too often is silly but when it fits the context of your post it's a completely differant matter for example if you're talking about M$ being greedy, same principle with their products for e.g. company loose 1 million after a Winblow$ virus blows away all their work.
--- End quote ---
No level of security can stop user stupidity.
Linux can isolate the virus so it cannot affect other users, but I'm sure windows can do that too.
I fail to see how linux could be better in that situation if a user can infect a PC apart from the fact no one bothers to write linux viruses.
The newer incarnations of Windows can (Longhorn/Vista). I think XP after SP2 can as well.
You cant shut down a process in windows to isolate a virus. You have to run a virus cleaner or have one that uses advanced hurestics. Most companies have virus scanners on their pc's but they dont ever update them.
Now you can shut down a process in linux and that what I like
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