All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Gates Renews Attacks on Education

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Narf Man:
Disrespectful? Nah... You can't really be disrespectful to a company. A person or a place or a beleif, yes. But a company? nah. I have yet to find a company that really deserves respect.

What's wrong with disrespecting Microsoft?

This issue keeps rearing its ugly head time and time again on this forum. I think using M$ too often is silly but when it fits the context of your post it's a completely differant matter for example if you're talking about M$ being greedy, same principle with their products for e.g. company loose 1 million after a Winblow$ virus blows away all their work.


--- Quote ---What's wrong with disrespecting Microsoft?
--- End quote ---


Narf Man:
Microsoft cheated me out of $200.
I bought XP pro, and used it. 6 months later I did a complete upgrade (new system down to even the case), and FDISKed my old HDD before giving it away. When I tried to install it, of course it wouldn't activate. So I called customer service and told them my upgrade story, and what became of the old components. They refused to give me a new key, caling they couldn't "verify" that Ihad removed XP from the old computer.
I asked to talk to a supervisor... Same result. So I had to go buy a new copy (this was 2 years ago, before I really discovered Linux).

For that incident, I beleive I have earned the right to call them M$, Money$oft or any other "disrespectful" name.


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