Author Topic: X-Chat For Windows Crash  (Read 2964 times)


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Re: X-Chat For Windows Crash
« Reply #15 on: 28 October 2005, 22:09 »
The only reason I won't switch to Mac is because they have their JavaVM close-sourced and you have to buy Java, which I use heavily for comp sci.

Or you could get the Sun Java2 SDK for OS X... or use Xcode...
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Re: X-Chat For Windows Crash
« Reply #16 on: 28 October 2005, 22:19 »
Or you can use BlueJ
Or Eclipse SDK
Or JJEdit
Or, if you need server java apps, you can use WebObjects.

This just a quick look a


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Re: X-Chat For Windows Crash
« Reply #17 on: 28 October 2005, 22:50 »
you should not pay for that ....
infact you should not pay for anything !


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Re: X-Chat For Windows Crash
« Reply #18 on: 28 October 2005, 23:21 »
All of those IDE/SDK's I posted are free.


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Re: X-Chat For Windows Crash
« Reply #19 on: 29 October 2005, 12:24 »
Yeah. Xcode is free. You have to pay for Visual Studio and Visual Basic on Windows.
I'm often asked why I hate Microsoft - "What did they ever do to you?". Well, I'll tell you. They made dodgy programs and standards which have wasted hundreds of hours of my time involving lost work in crashes and stupidity.


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Re: X-Chat For Windows Crash
« Reply #20 on: 29 October 2005, 22:09 »
Try a different build of X-Chat?

(wow, on topic :rolleyes: )
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Re: X-Chat For Windows Crash
« Reply #21 on: 29 October 2005, 22:22 »
I'm using an up-to-date version, I believe.


"Office is bloated and shitty."

I like office, so I disagree. Does what I need it too. It's not like doesn't suffer from bloat. I believe software that does a lot has a tendancy to become bloated. is progressing nicely though. Glad they have something now to compete with Access.

"simply because they don't want to help the software community."

Why are they giving programmers IDEs then? Of course they want to help the programming/software community! THEIR programming community. Why else would the MSDN exist?

"You have to pay for Visual Studio and Visual Basic on Windows."

You do have to pay for visual studio, but the visual basic compiler comes with the .NET framework, free of charge. As does a C-Sharp compiler. For some reason though, they decided to NOT include a C++ compiler for free. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. They give you some stuff free (but no IDE), and other stuff they won't even give you the bare bones for. Borland gives away a free (as in beer) C++ command line compiler, but I haven't heard of MS doing it.

"JAVA is evil, and you should use Visual Basic instead."

Visual Basic isn't evil? Am I to assume the primary reason you seem to despise Java has to do with the fact VB has that nice drag-and-drop IDE for designing forms/windows/panels/frames/[whatever you want to call them] (and yeah, C# and C++ do too, I know)?


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Re: X-Chat For Windows Crash
« Reply #22 on: 29 October 2005, 22:53 »
Jesus Christ, you people should learn how to use the
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Re: X-Chat For Windows Crash
« Reply #23 on: 29 October 2005, 22:58 »
"Office is bloated and shitty."

I like office, so I disagree. Does what I need it too. It's not like doesn't suffer from bloat. I believe software that does a lot has a tendancy to become bloated. is progressing nicely though. Glad they have something now to compete with Access.

Well, nano does exactly what I need it to do. I use apple iWork as well as openoffice. They're both great, even better than stupid Office. Why? Because they're cheaper, iWork is only 80$, a great deal. OO.o is free, even better. MS Word pisses me off. They've got about five different font tools, each with its own menu. Besides, the sheer amount of toolbars is irritating as well. OO.o does everything office does, and 300$ cheaper.

"simply because they don't want to help the software community."

Why are they giving programmers IDEs then? Of course they want to help the programming/software community! THEIR programming community. Why else would the MSDN exist?

An IDE that you have to pay for. xcode is free. If I'm going to get a compiler, I'll just get gcc and,  good cross platform app that's Free to boot.
« Last Edit: 29 October 2005, 23:57 by cymon »


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Re: X-Chat For Windows Crash
« Reply #24 on: 29 October 2005, 23:35 »
I'm using an up-to-date version, I believe.

Yeah, but there are several different builds of each version.  Different people make them, and compile in different things (or sometimes use different compilers).  Try another build.  One site out there has seven builds of X-Chat for Windows.
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Re: X-Chat For Windows Crash
« Reply #25 on: 30 October 2005, 01:03 »
Using the
tag would mean more work. Just pressing SHIFT+' is easier, but i'll consider it (I know, that's Really LAZY).

"Well, nano does exactly what I need it to do. I use apple iWork as well as openoffice. They're both great, even better than stupid Office. Why? Because they're cheaper."

Cheaper != Better (and, More Expensive != Better).

Nano isn't a GUI app is it (I wouldn't be shocked if there was a GUI version of it)? I believe it's CUI. It's not a word processor either, it's a TEXT EDITOR. I'm one of those crazy spoiled people who likes to tell the word processor to bold the text, and then see the text bolded on the screen. I'm one of those people who may want a pie chart in my document too though. You know, sometimes you just like being able to see things in front of you.

You might see Office's 12 different ways of doing things as stupid, and I don't really like it myself, but it's partially because people get used to doing things a certian way, and then as new ways of doing something are introduced, the old ones are preserved for the older users who prefer them. Just one of the many ways bloat ends up in a product, I guess.