Author Topic: I'm fucked  (Read 1948 times)


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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #15 on: 30 October 2005, 20:03 »
Quote from: Dark_Me
Their is actual, recent, scientific research proving weed can be bad. If your mind is still developing. Say if your about 16 (ring any bells Kintaro?). And smoke cronicly (I can't spell, damn school system and mull!). It can have some really bad effects, like phsycosis and scisofrenia. But in like 10% of cronic smokers. It's possible but not likely. Besides which I don't think congress has seen any very concrete research. Mainly because there isn't any. There where some studies done when mull was first made illegal but they where buried because they said it was good for you. Keep in mind that they didn't get very far. Wonder why? Bush had nothing to do with this however as he wasn't even born.

Yeah i've read something about that. I don't have anything against people using it recreationally if they want. The biggest thing I have against weed is that not until now are we getting hard data on what it does to you, unfortunately at the expense of some individuals mental health. A friend of a friend of mine got paranoid schizofrenia from weed, his mates were scared he would stab them in back or something if they weren't careful.


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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #16 on: 31 October 2005, 08:52 »
The reason that only now are we getting data on it is that during say the 60's to the 80's when weed was very popular as a recreational drug it was say 1-3 shared joints over a weekend. Now days use is much heaver that this. Say 2-5 joints a day to one person (not too sure about this. Help on this would be nice). Mull is a harmless drug when used in moderation. If smoked cronicly it can permanately alter your brain chemistry. The chances of this are much higher if your brain is still developing though (the brain is fully developed at 21-25 depending on the individual).
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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #17 on: 31 October 2005, 15:47 »
... wtf ... what didn't like it !??

should get some help then... just go to a hospital they will check you out
you must (must) get examined ... Weed works on chemical level not on (i like it,no i do not like it !???)


was not that the same thing Bush said once ???


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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #18 on: 31 October 2005, 16:36 »
I believe a country that locks up people for the possesion of something as harmless as weed, is uncivilised.


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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #19 on: 31 October 2005, 23:35 »
Quote from: Refalm
I believe a country that locks up people for the possesion of something as harmless as weed, is uncivilised.

Welcome to America! ;)


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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #20 on: 1 November 2005, 00:16 »
in NZ its becoming barely a crime to possess, cops will just give you a warning (if you are honest) or a fine for a joint.

I'll soon be more popular than cigarettes if it isn't already.

But don't get caught growing it.


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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #21 on: 1 November 2005, 00:32 »
Anyone here have any links to the studies that shows weed causing mental illness? I have a really hard time believing that. I used to smoke it and I've known hundreds of people who have/do smoke it and I've never heard of such a thing.

The only reason weed is illegal in the U.S. is because a tiny minority of ultra-religious, racist people with lots of money lobbied for it back in the 1930's. It's quite sad actually. Marijuana is classified as a schedule 1 drug by the FDA in the U.S. which basically puts it in the same category with hard core drugs like Methanphetamines,Morphine, Mescaline, and Heroine.


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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #22 on: 1 November 2005, 01:03 »
Quote from: toadlife
The only reason weed is illegal in the U.S. is because a tiny minority of ultra-religious, racist people with lots of money lobbied for it back in the 1930's. It's quite sad actually. Marijuana is classified as a schedule 1 drug by the FDA in the U.S. which basically puts it in the same category with hard core drugs like Methanphetamines,Morphine, Mescaline, and Heroine.

Wow. If they classify weed as a "schedule 1 drug", they should classify beer as a "schedule 1 drug" too, as it's effects are far worse in my opinion.

Over here, we classify in two categories:
* soft drugs (canabis, mushrooms, absynt and that weird new shit from the amazone)
* hard drugs (XTC, cocaine, heroine, etc.)

Ironically, one of our major export product is a hard drug.


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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #23 on: 1 November 2005, 04:09 »
Quote from: toadlife
Anyone here have any links to the studies that shows weed causing mental illness? I have a really hard time believing that. I used to smoke it and I've known hundreds of people who have/do smoke it and I've never heard of such a thing.

they don't say how of those studied did smoke weed but the idea is: you have to smoke excessively during the teen years when the brain develops and be predispositioned towards psychosis.


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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #24 on: 1 November 2005, 04:18 »
Use of street drugs (marijuana/hash - cannabis, etc.) have been linked with significantly increased probability of developing schizophrenia. Psychiatrists in inner-city areas speak of cannabis being a factor in up to 80 per cent of schizophrenia cases. Researchers in New Zealand found that those who used cannabis by the age of 15 were more than three times (300%) more likely to develop illnesses such as schizophrenia. Other research has backed this up, showing that cannabis use increases the likelihood of psychosis by up to 700 per cent, and that the risk increases in proportion to the amount of canabis used (smoked or consumed). Research also suggests that there is an increased risk of relapse (i.e. risk of significant worsening of the psychosis) associated with marijuana and other street drugs. The more relapses a person has, the worse the prognosis for people with schizophrenia.
Today, there are over 30 published papers linking marijuana to schizophrenia or other mental disorders. The increase in evidence could be tied to the increased potency of marijuana. A review by the British Lung Association says that the cannabis available on the streets today is 15 times more powerful than the joints being smoked three decades ago.
Taken from:
Theres lots more, just put: marijuana mental illness, into the search engine of your choice.
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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #25 on: 1 November 2005, 08:01 »
Isn't it good to know that the human brain can still be *easily* fucked up by shit because it's not done fucking around with itself until over a third of the way through a normal life?
Go the fuck ~


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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #26 on: 1 November 2005, 09:09 »
yeah the "15 times more powerful" bit is pretty scary. I for sensible people I would say legalise it but too many parents just DONT CARE about their kids. We have teenagers driving into trees at 100+ mph and parents just don't care if their kids are next. If it got legallised it would just end up in the hands of children whose parents don't give a shit.

I've always believed that any drug that alters/mucks with the brain in the short term will have long term affects whether good or bad I cannot say but there will be changes.


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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #27 on: 1 November 2005, 09:16 »
Quote from: Pathos
they don't say how of those studied did smoke weed but the idea is: you have to smoke excessively during the teen years when the brain develops and be predispositioned towards psychosis.

Ah, this explains Kintaro and choasforages :p


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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #28 on: 1 November 2005, 19:48 »
Those studies are not very compelling.


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Re: I'm fucked
« Reply #29 on: 1 November 2005, 21:52 »
No its not like everyone who has smoked weed is going to go crazy but you are more likely to if you fit the profile.