Author Topic: frontpage: the choice of the KKK  (Read 8262 times)


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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #45 on: 27 May 2005, 02:40 »
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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #46 on: 27 May 2005, 08:02 »
BTW, here's another example of good old fashioned contemporary KKK love, just for muzzy.


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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #47 on: 27 May 2005, 08:47 »
Quote from: thomasrocks1
Why do you say that?

The NAAWP actually raise some seriously valid points on issue like media coverage of minority crime, minority attitudes towards other races, buried statistics on violent crime, etc. They're also not as overtly racist and hateful (ie, they don't spout off "Kill the niggers!!" or "Hitler for president" or other rediculous nonsense), you'll notice the site doesn't post any racist images, and I feel they actually bring up some valid points. They don't promote violence, nowhere on their site do they even promote hate or discrimination. Their slogan is "Equality for all- special treatment for none" which, as a white male living in an all-black neighborhood, I can agree with quite a bit.

I try my best to treat people the way I want to be treated but it's difficult when you come across people (sometimes on a regular basis) that fit EVERY negative stereotype that can be imagined. I have they highest regard for people of acceptable social standing regardless of race. I even have a few black friends, actually. But when people just degrade themselves  and then try blaming everyone and everything else for their own failings and problems, I have no remorse or sympathy.
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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #48 on: 27 May 2005, 15:15 »
Quote from: MrX
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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #49 on: 5 June 2005, 22:43 »
who the hell are you kidding...the former years of the catholic church makes the kkk look like the good guys. and there belief systems keep them from apoligizing....and there really isn't an apology for all those the church has murdered. nor is there one for the kkk. im getting sick of people with insecurity issues destorying the world becuase of it

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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #50 on: 22 November 2005, 21:30 »
OK, I yelled at muzzy because he supported racism. I know I'm bumping an old topic, but I wanted to add somthing for him
« Last Edit: 22 November 2005, 22:51 by thomasrocks1 »


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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #51 on: 22 November 2005, 22:31 »
Quote from: JanusChrist
The NAAWP actually raise some seriously valid points on issue like media coverage of minority crime, minority attitudes towards other races, buried statistics on violent crime, etc. They're also not as overtly racist and hateful (ie, they don't spout off "Kill the niggers!!" or "Hitler for president" or other rediculous nonsense), you'll notice the site doesn't post any racist images, and I feel they actually bring up some valid points. They don't promote violence, nowhere on their site do they even promote hate or discrimination. Their slogan is "Equality for all- special treatment for none" which, as a white male living in an all-black neighborhood, I can agree with quite a bit.

I try my best to treat people the way I want to be treated but it's difficult when you come across people (sometimes on a regular basis) that fit EVERY negative stereotype that can be imagined. I have they highest regard for people of acceptable social standing regardless of race. I even have a few black friends, actually. But when people just degrade themselves  and then try blaming everyone and everything else for their own failings and problems, I have no remorse or sympathy.

Wow, this is some old-ass shit, but I just read it anyway, thanks to a bump.

The problem with the racism in the United States is that it is institutionalized.  Minority crime statistics are dependent on the "400 years of persecution" that has alienated blacks in this country.  Negative stereotypes are perpetrated through the media, and, having nothing else to identify with, or any positive role models, people adopt and perpetuate these stereotypes.  Athletes are lionized, gangster rappers make big money, drugs are seen as an acceptable way to achieve wealth and status - these are all products of the advancement of white people.  Just by voicing these opinions, Janus, you are belittling the ongoing struggle that black people in America have been going through for years.

And that whole "equality for all, special treatment for none" is as hollow as it is tempting.  You'd like to think that our goal is total equality.  But it clearly isn't.  The police, the urban planning policies, and the media all go out of their way to keep things just the way they are.  Even the most liberal of white people will remember someone as the "nice black guy", but a white person is just "a nice guy".  It's built into your thoughts, your language, and your ideas about what the world looks like.  So it's deceptively easy to feel like you're being picked on for being white.  After all, employers have quotas for hiring minorities (myth), Hollywood is run by Jews (myth), and the Mexicans are taking all the jobs in California and Texas (myth).  Wake the fuck up!

Oh, and to address an even older argument - the problem with white pride (or any kind of pride) is that it leads to power struggles.  If someone could say "white pride" and let it die at that, no big deal.  Unfortunately, white pride connotes black non-pride, and invariably leads to generalizations, stereotypes, prejudice, and ultimately violence and oppression.  I graduated from the University of Colorado, and our biggest football rival was Nebraska.  And most students were anti-Nebraska.  Upon meeting a person from Nebraska, they would automatically turn their noses down at them.  When Nebraska students came to town for the football game, they would be harassed at the stadium, and beat up in the bars afterwards.  It was especially bad if Nebraska had won the football game.  And this is at one of the most liberal universities in the country.  Over a fucking football game!  Buffalo pride, white pride, Nazi pride - it never leads to anything good.


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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #52 on: 23 November 2005, 03:07 »
I dont think theres nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage. I do think there is something wrong when a group of people think their race, and/or religion is superior to everyone else, and when they murder, rape, and assault others who are different than them. White power, black power or any of that offer crap offends me.

Frontpage is a piece of shit wether or not white supremist use it or civil rights organizations use it. Shit is shit no matter who steps in it.
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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #53 on: 23 November 2005, 07:06 »
Quote from: dmcfarland
I dont think theres nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage. I do think there is something wrong when a group of people think their race, and/or religion is superior to everyone else, and when they murder, rape, and assault others who are different than them.

The point I was trying to make is that being proud of your heritage has no other goal or purpose besides legitimizing assault on another group.  Drumming up support for one cause automatically creates non-support for another cause, by definition.