Author Topic: Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine  (Read 2259 times)


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« on: 15 June 2004, 04:12 »
I had to share this with  Microsuck people, because the other day i ran into with an old friend of mine, and i ask him how is life? "Good, and i am working for microsoft" <-- like i give a shit, if he work for microsoft. i told him well i am not going  say "good for you" because i hate microsoft. he ask "why?" because they are bunch blood suckin' asshole, "well is not true, they pay me very well and i get great benefit and Microsoft has alot idea and they care about there customer",lies, lies, lies.

so i told him look the main reason you and other idiots the use  windows , because either you  have invested in there stock(we knowing microsoft stock is expensive and we know you dont have to work again) and most brain wash people dont want microsoft go down the drain because they would lose out on there stock, so basicly they put up with whatever crap microsoft release.  Microsoft own 97% of the market, and most of the 97% are bunch lazy fucks  the wont pick up a book how to install MAC OS , so they stick to windows.

he said: "fuck you than, bye"  and we were on our way..
huh, what?


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #1 on: 15 June 2004, 06:06 »
That is a stupid reason to lose a friend. You are an asshole, sir.
I am sofa king high. (Read out loud)


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #2 on: 15 June 2004, 06:17 »
Originally posted by PseudoRandom Dragon:
That is a stupid reason to lose a friend. You are an asshole, sir.

How is he an asshole? What I see is him venting his frustration.  Maby it wasn't a good idea.  But then again I find windows zealots VERY annoying.  But thats just me.  

Its ok to work for m$ just don't expect people to say "Good Job" when the "operating system of choice" has cost I.T. alot more than a few dollars.

Is it really worth putting those 'extra hours' in the office away from your loved ones just because win2k3 borked up yet again?

Expecialy when you were told such an OS was an improvment over the last version.
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #3 on: 15 June 2004, 06:53 »
Originally posted by mc0282:
how to install MAC OS , so they stick to windows.

What the fuck? A book on how to install Mac OS? Why would you need this when Apple sells computers with it pre-installed? And why would that make them stick to Windows because they can't install Mac OSX or anything on their PC. Without that one emulator... PearPC I think? This is spoken like a true Windows user. Always jumping to conclusions, voicing just what he hears, and not having any solid evidence.

Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-
How is he an asshole? What I see is him venting his frustration. Maby it wasn't a good idea. But then again I find windows zealots VERY annoying. But thats just me.

Why exactly is he venting? I see NO relevance what-so-ever into why one should switch from Windows to an alternative. All I see is someone complaining without any solid evidence. Just abunch of words mumbled and jumbled up.
"Microsoft is stupid Microsoft is bad. Blah Blah Blah." We've all heard it. Time and time again. If you want to change anyone's mind you should have SOLID evidence to why one should switch. Not just opinions. "Oh Windows is stupid." That's about the most childish thing I have ever heard. Maybe followup your beliefs with some evidence next time. If everyone talked like this then no one would even consider anything but Windows.


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #4 on: 15 June 2004, 07:44 »
If I saw a good friend of mine, the last thing I would be talking about is how bad MS is. You have a job at MS? Oh that sucks. Why does it suck? Meh, it isn't important. How is the [noun]. Thats where it should have ended. A friendship down the drain because you wanted to talk about how bad MS is.
I am sofa king high. (Read out loud)


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #5 on: 15 June 2004, 21:42 »
"are bunch lazy fucks the wont pick up a book how to install MAC OS , so they stick to windows."  

this part i meant as  scarcasm , i know there ain't  no book for how to install mac os, but there are people dont even know how to turn on damn system, and  if the mac user want to reformat his hard drive he would problably have no fuckin' clue how to..  i meant to say was  most windows user are so attach to windows, they asume  all the error,flaws,bugs,etc.. is normal thing. i would bet my life  they would not accept car if had all this flaws.. so i said they are fuckin' lazy. i know if you go the library they would find a book, like windows for dummies.  so they bitch "oh linux is hard" or "linux is gay"  but they have time to pick a windows book and sit down to read it, they could do the same for other they cant, because is microsoft and microsoft windows is the only OS so fuck other options.

P.S. he wasn't good friend he was an high school hello and goodbye friend, were  in the same class.

[ June 15, 2004: Message edited by: mc0282 ]

[ June 15, 2004: Message edited by: mc0282 ]

huh, what?


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #6 on: 15 June 2004, 10:34 »
Where are you from?
Go the fuck ~


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #7 on: 15 June 2004, 12:05 »
new york city.... but if this post is going to cause problem i could delete it.. i just want to share a story.
huh, what?


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #8 on: 15 June 2004, 19:02 »
A "hello & goodbye friend" is an acquaintance.
I am sofa king high. (Read out loud)


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #9 on: 15 June 2004, 19:06 »
There are ways to disagree maturely.


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #10 on: 15 June 2004, 21:11 »
*walks up to a long lost friend*
Me: Hey. What've you been doing all these years?
Friend: Oh you know. This and that. Just trying to live the American dream.
Me: Fuckin capitalist pig. *walks away*

Yeah... that sounds about right.


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #11 on: 15 June 2004, 23:32 »
huh, what?


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #12 on: 16 June 2004, 00:31 »
Is English not your first language, mc0282?

I'm not knockin' ya or anything, I was just curious.
Go the fuck ~


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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #13 on: 16 June 2004, 05:58 »
Originally posted by mc0282:
I had to share this with  Microsuck people, because the other day i ran into with an old friend of mine, and i ask him how is life? "Good, and i am working for microsoft" <-- like i give a shit, if he work for microsoft. i told him well i am not going  say "good for you" because i hate microsoft. he ask "why?" because they are bunch blood suckin' asshole, "well is not true, they pay me very well and i get great benefit and Microsoft has alot idea and they care about there customer",lies, lies, lies.

so i told him look the main reason you and other idiots the use  windows , because either you  have invested in there stock(we knowing microsoft stock is expensive and we know you dont have to work again) and most brain wash people dont want microsoft go down the drain because they would lose out on there stock, so basicly they put up with whatever crap microsoft release.  Microsoft own 97% of the market, and most of the 97% are bunch lazy fucks  the wont pick up a book how to install MAC OS , so they stick to windows.

he said: "fuck you than, bye"  and we were on our way..

Um, was this made up?  It sort of sounds like it.  If a friend of mine got a job as MS, I would ask him/her if I could be let in on any secrets the company has.
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Microsoft Employee - a friend of mine
« Reply #14 on: 16 June 2004, 08:42 »
Originally posted by enjoijeff:

Why exactly is he venting? I see NO relevance what-so-ever into why one should switch from Windows to an alternative. All I see is someone complaining without any solid evidence. Just abunch of words mumbled and jumbled up.
"Microsoft is stupid Microsoft is bad. Blah Blah Blah." We've all heard it. Time and time again. If you want to change anyone's mind you should have SOLID evidence to why one should switch. Not just opinions. "Oh Windows is stupid." That's about the most childish thing I have ever heard. Maybe followup your beliefs with some evidence next time. If everyone talked like this then no one would even consider anything but Windows.

You know that is very interesting.  Usualy people who vent about windows usualy vent for a reason.  Usualy its always the windows zealot that keeps stating that people that complain always say windows is bad blah blah blah, when its not that way at all.  For me it was constantly crashing, virus and trojan attacks and the constant FUD spread about by the windows fan boys like

If linux was as popular as windows it would have just as much viruses


Windows TCO is cheaper than linux, besides you have to retrain everyone.

Those are the things that get to me.  Well just a few I could go on.

But on the same side of that coin.  I find that the weekness of Microsoft is also its strongest point.  For writing viruses or infecting someone with a trojan has never been easier.

"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.