Author Topic: Remember Remember!  (Read 1359 times)


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Re: Remember Remember!
« Reply #15 on: 13 November 2005, 14:04 »
Quote from: Jack2000
I really hate it when stupid weird-o teachers and
old people tell you that something is bad or not healthy
and it really is !
what do they think we are like ...
stupid kids holding the fire cracker in his hand as it goes off

I once saw that, but that was because the fire cracker wasn't glued the right way, so it sticked to his hand.


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Re: Remember Remember!
« Reply #16 on: 13 November 2005, 14:13 »
I sympathize with you etement...Being an American setlled in England.

Guy Fawkes tried to blow up parliment and King James the IV (I think, maybe the II) exactly 400 years ago on Nov 5. The problem was the gunpowder was getting wet and due to delays of the openning day of parliment they had to resource out and get more people involved. The theory is a protestant sympathiser warned some protestant parliment members which basically caused the word to spread and Guy was caught with the gunpowder along with 5 others. Guy Fawkes and the other 5 were hung and since the English have celebrated it. It's a 2 part celebration, One that he was caught and stopped and 2. that a common and basically unknown man was able to do something which at the time most were in favor of.

The celebration is a huge Bonfire with Fireworks, Carnivals and a whole shit load of Special events. It's similar to how we celebrate the 4th of July.
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Re: Remember Remember!
« Reply #17 on: 13 November 2005, 16:54 »
Quote from: pofnlice
I sympathize with you etement...Being an American setlled in England.

Guy Fawkes tried to blow up parliment and King James the IV (I think, maybe the II) exactly 400 years ago on Nov 5. The problem was the gunpowder was getting wet and due to delays of the openning day of parliment they had to resource out and get more people involved. The theory is a protestant sympathiser warned some protestant parliment members which basically caused the word to spread and Guy was caught with the gunpowder along with 5 others. Guy Fawkes and the other 5 were hung and since the English have celebrated it. It's a 2 part celebration, One that he was caught and stopped and 2. that a common and basically unknown man was able to do something which at the time most were in favor of.

The celebration is a huge Bonfire with Fireworks, Carnivals and a whole shit load of Special events. It's similar to how we celebrate the 4th of July.

I see.:thumbup:


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Re: Remember Remember!
« Reply #18 on: 15 November 2005, 01:34 »
Quote from: pofnlice
King James the IV (I think, maybe the II)

actually it was King James VI (of Scotland that is) who was also (and who is usually known as) James I (of England, although they usually don't mention that, choosing to think of Scotland as some sort of province of England perhaps).

He is known quite rightly as the traitor king in Scotland and was directly responsible for the legal, royal and governmental pursuit, prosecution and execution of many "witches". He is also the one responsible for commissioning the King James Bible, the first ever English translation of the Bible (up till now it was thought by the Roman Catholics that the Word should only be read in Latin, whilst the Greek Orthodox Church maintained that it should be read in Greek only), complete with appaling mistranslations such as "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (the original Hebrew translates directly as "poisoner")

And another thing, James VI was the reason why the play Macbeth shows Macbeth to be a tortured weak and ultimately selfish and bad ruler, when the historical Macbeth was by accounts quite a good king. Macbeth was from a different royal line from James VI however and so Shakespeare felt that Macbeth had to be portrayed in a poor light so the king wouldn't be pissed off that a rival family was being shown to be more virtuous than him (which wouldn't take much doing in my opinion).

Edit: and the same sort of thing for Richard III of England actually.
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Re: Remember Remember!
« Reply #19 on: 15 November 2005, 11:01 »
Oh shit! I just saw that! I got the I and V crossed around. I should have went with my first instinct and just done one of these 6th. Thanx for correcting that.

I also left out at the bonfire, it is traditional to put an effigy of Guy Fawkes on top and burn him...very shaocking too a two year old :(
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After all, running Windows without a decent anti-virus is like walking through a Red Light District after eating five metric tonnes of Viagra.