Microsoft is Satan's operating system. However I have to use it for now until I can find some user friendly alternatives or learn Linux and become more proficient. :mad:
I tried running FC4, and mandriva linux. FC4 had problems with my sound. Mandriva locked up on me when it was looking for the display. Linux as a whole has come a long way, but its still not ready for prime time. I absolutely hate Windows with my soul but I am unfortunetly I am stuck with it. I might install FC4 on the second hard drive so I can get more proficient with it.
I wouldnt recomend Linux for the average computer user at this point in time. I would recomend people buy a MAC if they are looking to upgrade, or have the money to buy a new computer outright.
I am trying some different OS alternatives like Solaris and FreeBSD and maybe some others. I am happy that I ran into this sight. I always new Microsoft sucked. I didnt know how much they sucked. I am a former systems analyst and I learn computers, and networking on MSDOS, and netware. Netware is the best networking software Ive seen out their. Unfortunety MS did a better job at marketing its product. I have enough knowledge of Linux to make me dangerous. I used Netware for a long time.
We were running Linux at my last IT job and worked without a hitch. We ran our file servers, database and website on it and it never crashed even during the christmas rush. That company shot itself in the foot when they decided to switch from Linux to NT (Neanderthal Technologies.) Things began to go to hell in a handbasket real fast. The servers crashed, the exchange server always went down etc.
That company ended up going out of business, because of that and many other poor business practices as most dot bombs did. The company was
I would love to see Apple port OSX to Intel IBM pc's. I gaurantee that would put a huge dent into microsoft. I have yet to find a linux distro that is user friendly enough for the average computer user to use. I have a problems with it, and I was a proffessional in the industry.
I saw many different OS's on this sight, but most of them are not ready for prime time. I am going to learn more about some of them like FreeBSD and solaris. I have a extra 30 gig hard drive so why not.:thumbup: