Author Topic: iHome rocks my bedroom  (Read 1173 times)


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iHome rocks my bedroom
« on: 31 October 2005, 21:28 »
I just bought a $100 toy today, but it is totally awesome.  It is called an iHome.  It's an alarm clock that features a dock for your iPod.  Slap the iPod on there and it will charge while you sleep.  And then one of your 15000 songs will be playing when you wake up.  Includes docking adapters for mini, shuffle, and photo too.  Also plays radio, with included am/fm antennas.  
Battery backup.  Also contains a line-in so you can use the alarm clock with an inferior non-Apple portable music player.  And a line out, so you can dump the whole thing into your stereo.  Optional extras include a remote control for the clock, so you can snooze or switch tracks from across the room.

A bit pricey, but I had some extra cash this week, so I took the plunge.  Kickass.


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Re: iHome rocks my bedroom
« Reply #1 on: 19 November 2005, 02:29 »
Sounds like a fun toy. What I did w/ my system was hook my Airport Express into my stereo's audio input jacks in the living room. W/ all my cd's ripped into iTunes, I still get cd quality sound out of my old JVC amp but w/ my 100cd changer stashed next to the cd's in the garage! (undisclosed location :cool: )

iMac G5 20" 2.1ghz iSight
iMac G3 400
Airport Express
iPod 6gb silver

:macos:  :macos:  :macos: