Author Topic: Source-package management  (Read 4274 times)


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Re: Source-package management
« Reply #15 on: 14 October 2006, 01:51 »
Conary is the best package management ever. Ever. I dunno where I was going with this crap, but it can't possibly be anywhere conary hasn't covered with perfection.

The way conary works is (in a very small nutshell), the repository stores a 'recipe' file which describes how to build the package. A recipe file for GNU hello might be (obviously this is about as simple as they come, but more times than not recipe files aren't much bigger than this):
Code: [Select]
class hello (AutoPackageRecipe):
name = 'hello'
version = '2.1.1'

buildRequires = ['perl:runtime']

def unpack (r):
r.addArchive ('')
Anybody can 'cook' the recipe (compile it, basically) on their own machine from this (it's as easy as 'conary emerge hello:source'), and if a developer cooks it on the repository then users can install the binaries.

Updates come in 'changesets', which is the difference between the versions. So after just a few months you shouldn't be asked to install 100Mb+ of updates (like I believe Ubuntu 6.06 now does). Changesets can be rolled back - back to day one if you like. Parallel installation of certain packages (like stable gimp and development gimp) is a sinch. Packages can be installed by users into their home directory..

I've yet to come across anything that's really hard or impossible with it (patching, use flags, multi-arch stuff - it's all there).

But the really cool stuff comes in when you're ... putting together an OS. You can pretty much do it from a web based interface! (picking between packages that've already been built) And, when you must customise a package, that's not hard.

For all the good it'll do ya, my repository is @ (if you get internal server errors - refresh) To see the recipe files click on the source sub-menu of the package, go to show files and click the recipe file. Right now, there's a lot of shit and not much useful stuff, but some example recipes. And there's a hell of a lot of recipe files available @

So conary covers source and binary package management. And I don't think there's any better way to cover them (there are other, more complex, user-end advantages that I haven't discussed (branch affinity for one)).
« Last Edit: 14 October 2006, 01:58 by piratePenguin »
"What you share with the world is what it keeps of you."
 - Noah And The Whale: Give a little love

a poem by my computer, Macintosh Vigilante
Macintosh amends a damned around the requested typewriter. Macintosh urges a scarce design. Macintosh postulates an autobiography. Macintosh tolls the solo variant. Why does a winter audience delay macintosh? The maker tosses macintosh. Beneath female suffers a double scum. How will a rat cube the heavier cricket? Macintosh calls a method. Can macintosh nest opposite the headache? Macintosh ties the wrong fairy. When can macintosh stem the land gang? Female aborts underneath macintosh. Inside macintosh waffles female. Next to macintosh worries a well.


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Re: Source-package management
« Reply #16 on: 14 October 2006, 02:40 »
Alright ... but is it GPL ?


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Re: Source-package management
« Reply #17 on: 14 October 2006, 15:36 »
Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
Alright ... but is it GPL ?
No, but it's free software and incompatible with the GPL. Common Public License 1.0
"What you share with the world is what it keeps of you."
 - Noah And The Whale: Give a little love

a poem by my computer, Macintosh Vigilante
Macintosh amends a damned around the requested typewriter. Macintosh urges a scarce design. Macintosh postulates an autobiography. Macintosh tolls the solo variant. Why does a winter audience delay macintosh? The maker tosses macintosh. Beneath female suffers a double scum. How will a rat cube the heavier cricket? Macintosh calls a method. Can macintosh nest opposite the headache? Macintosh ties the wrong fairy. When can macintosh stem the land gang? Female aborts underneath macintosh. Inside macintosh waffles female. Next to macintosh worries a well.