All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Worst spam ever

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--- Quote from: Dark_Me ---Remind me never to go there. Who the hell responds to spam?
--- End quote ---

Either extremely stupid or extremely irritated individuals.  The line dividing the two is oftentimes near-nonexistant.  On the other hand, you should see some of the replies I formulate.  ;)


--- Quote from: Jack2000 ---Yo people do you have your own IRC.server
and if you do which network is it in ??
--- End quote ---

Well there's always been:
irc:// #mes

Which is run by me.  Thing is, it hasn't been used much in the past few months.  It's still running, though.

Off topic...

Well, I'm found on in #gm or #gm2 (one of them is usually invite-only, ask me in the other one.)

How is the set-up
over there( the irc servers)
here all servers are hook-ed up
too THE:
network and it is all the same which one you connect to :)
is there some sort of unification
 there too ?

WMD: How would I connect to that in xchat? It tells me:

--- Quote from: xchat ---* Looking up irc:/
* Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?
--- End quote ---


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