All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

For those using ripped copies of xp

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"Internet arguments are stupid anyway..."

Agreed, and I thought you were the first to sling mud (maybe I misread your posts), if you see it the other way then I am sorry.  But don't be lookin' for no kisses.

nope never meant to insult you dude, just thought you were attacking me for something not that big of a deal.

Not at all. I just happened to agree with caveman's POV and then you got mad and started swearing. Maybe you weren't really mad. It's hard to tell the demeanor of someone by a post.  It's easy to take it the wrong way...

true...i use the term fuck it all the time. sorry, i just said i was getting shitted on, i guess that may have been to extreme, by bad.

Ok then, just a misunderstanding nicely cleaned up. Peace dude, but still don't expect any kisses, I'm not like that.


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