All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

For those using ripped copies of xp

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haha..nor do i expect any.

M$ suck.

Well some one has to have the last word, or you two ain't going to sleep tonight.  

Doctor V:
Lets face it, some people have to use windows.  One should always make strenuous efforts not to, but it might not even be of their own choice.  Might just be that someone upstairs wants everyone in the company using windows machines.  Thats what monopolys do.  Force people to use/buy their products.  In such a case, I'd rather their windows copy was pirated than legally bought.  Sure using even free copies of windows is bad.  But if windows is the only option, a pirated copy is the lesser of two evils, as it wont directly put money into BillyG's pocket so he can use it to build up Palladium, or buy some votes in the senate, or even make some brainwashing advertizing.  Copyright and intellectual property laws are among the strictest in the world, stricter than ever before in the past (and I just want to punch Bill Gates every time I hear him say the word 'intellectual property', he sounds like such a f**).  Did you know that copyright lasts until 70 years after the creator is dead!

Also, if he must use windows, XP is a bad choice.  Win2K  is the probably least crappy of the several Windows versions.  All XP is is a fisherprice looking spyware bloated less-stable version of Win2K anyways.

This may seem a little off subject, but as long as we are talking about piracy, I say boycott all RIAA cds, burn them and give them to friends, make mp3s and distrubute them all over the internet.  Never give any money to the Nazi record labels.  Don't let a red cent of yours go to those money-grubbers with their billion dollar lobby, and army of lawyers.  RIAA is certainly one of the driving forces behind TCPA and M$ Palladium.

I know many of you may disagree with this post, but its just my 2 cents.


gnutella and anarchy forever/*just don't assasanate me, please riaa, i deserve to live*/ o and by the way, how much would it cost to get hosted in sealand. like then we could really rant about tcpa and drm. and really encourage gnutella, cause in the u.s. freespeech doens't exist

The Principality of Sealand's Internet operation is run by HavenCo.

If you dig through their site you will find the rate sheet:


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