All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
For those using ripped copies of xp
Master of Reality:
but half-life kicks so much ass....
I've been wonderin'; shouldnt half-life run good in wine? It does have an OpenGL mode for its graphics.
quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
And no one is forcing you to play those M$ specific games. Quake* runs just fine in Linux.
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that is sort of half true. Quake1/2/3 is made for Linux but you will NEVER see it in a store, you have to order it from a website. i don't trust ordering from websites because the house on the other side of my block has the same house number as me but the avenue is different, people mistake that guy's house with my house all the time.
another reason i don't trust the internet is because you have to give up your credit card number to order something, i'm not scared of some guy getting my number, i'm scared of some asshole company screw me by charging like 200 bucks for crap i didn't order. one of my friends had 56k internet then he switched to broadband, when they cancelled the service though, the 56k internet company charged them for payments over the next 2 years even though they had no contract. the company is being a bastard by not giving it back so he actually has to take them to court to get his money back. stuff like that happens to everybody i know, my brother cancelled his car insurance for summer because he rides a bike but the insurance company kept charging for the months of summer and they won't give his money back.when my brother cancelled his cell phone service with rogers, they kept charging for monthly service even though it wasn't a contract deal. all this stuff happens because some dickhead company has access to your bank account or credit card and they can basically rob you and get away with it, 99% of those on line purchase things say they do not accept checks or money order. knowing the incompitance of the Canadian and United States postal services, you won't dare sending money because it will just get lost like every other thing they lose.
i seem paranoid but i've been screwed by things l ike this all the time, i ordered a book through mail and it never came, i got a subscription to gamepro and those assholes never sent 1 copy.
quote:Originally posted by Chooco:
that is sort of half true. Quake1/2/3 is made for Linux but you will NEVER see it in a store, you have to order it from a website. i don't trust ordering from websites because the house on the other side of my block has the same house number as me but the avenue is different, people mistake that guy's house with my house all the time.
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You obviously have never run Quake in Linux or you would know that Windows and Linux both use the same CD. Again, you continue to speak as if you know when in fact you don't. If you don't know something, but just "believe it to be true" you should qualify your comments with "I am not sure, but I believe it to be the case". You download the Linux version of the engine from idSoftware and use the data files from the CD that you buy in the store. And the Linux versions of Quake I/II/III are not only free as in beer, but you can also download the Quake I/II source code if you want to modify it. No credit cards, no signing up for anything, just download it like you do any other Linux app.
[ August 14, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
re: "i need windows so i can play all my games (drool drool)"
my comment is: get a life. Do you know how to write a letter? then fucking do it instead of whining on a bulletin board. If enough people wrote to the actual software houses and complained that their games were not available for some (widely used) platform, how long do you think it would take them to recompile and bring out another version of it?
get off your arses instead of whining, i say.
ps - not directed at anybody in particular, that, so if you got pissed off when you read it, then you must have a guilty conscience. Time to sharpen that pencil...
Lol Calum, your obviously not familiar with the vast quantities of games for Windows/Dos that don't have a hope in hell of ever being recompiled. *drool drool*
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