Author Topic: popups  (Read 1708 times)


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« on: 20 November 2005, 08:00 »
I'm getting all sorts of popups through mozilla/firefox's normal popup protection.  I've had to start using adblock, and whenever I get a popup, I pull up the blockable list of items, find the scripts, then block the *&%$ing whole advertisers domain with a wildcard.

How are these damned things getting through the normal popup blocker anyway?
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Re: popups
« Reply #1 on: 20 November 2005, 08:23 »
I suspect Java exploits, given that they're not exactly a NEW concept.  Edit > Preferences, Web Features, and uncheck either Java or JavaScript on a pop-up ridden site.  If one works, leave it unchecked.  If you still get pop-ups, switch the check marks and try again.  That's my initial thought, at any rate.

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Re: popups
« Reply #2 on: 20 November 2005, 08:29 »
Try the Noscript extention ... makes it easier to manage java and javascript ... and remember to uncheck everything in the advanced javascript options (edit -> preferences -> web features -> the advanced button next to javascript)