All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Has microsoft done anything good for the computer industry?

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But can it run gnome and openoffice?

No, but it might be able to run Fluxbox and XFCE as piratePenguin mentioned

and no you can't run Window$ on it



--- Quote from: WMD ---Who says it would stay that way?  It didn't work this way even in reality, as Apple DID allow licensed clones for a couple years in the mid-90s.  This didn't exactly take off as expected (Apple would be much like MS with the operating system), so Jobs stopped it and went back to the old way.  If Apple had the marketshare, the clones could've stayed.  Not just existed, but stayed, because they were real for a while.
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Yes, but Apple would still be in charge of the clones as they own the patents so they could with-draw the licenses if they wanted to (just like they did).

--- Quote from: dmcfarland ---But can it run gnome and openoffice?
--- End quote ---

You can run OpenOffice 1.1.5 on 64MB of RAM though it's a bit slow, if it's just the word processor you require could use AbiWord and don't use Gnome use Xfce.


--- Quote from: dmcfarland[font=Tahoma ---][/font]if Microsoft has contributed anything good and worthwhile in the computer industry
--- End quote ---
um.. how about no, ok? :D


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