Author Topic: MyODBC Breaks Firefox...?  (Read 1522 times)


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MyODBC Breaks Firefox...?
« on: 21 November 2005, 04:01 »
I am not happy.

I like to keep my ODBC drivers up-to-date, so I installed the latest upgrade on MySQL's website. Everything seemed to be fine, until I started up server that uses ODBC (and I checked several versions of the server, to confirm it's not an issue with it). Now i'm getting strange B.S. errors regarding SQL syntax. E.g. SELECT Name FROM CharDatabase WHERE Username = 'joe'. Try and access the data, and everything goes to hell, because "Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal", which has never happened before. Also, yes, I checked the database, and the data IS there so this is quite confusing, and annoying.

This isn't my first MySQL problem either. I've had all sorts of fun with "@VARIABLES". Nice how something on one person's MySQL CC works, but on the other, it returns an empty set. We have the same priviledges, so what in the hell?!

Finally, I noticed this new setup screwed up Firefox. I ended up having to re-install firefox to use it again.

I thought this would be good to post as a warning to people who might update their ODBC drivers.


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Re: MyODBC Breaks Firefox...?
« Reply #1 on: 21 November 2005, 22:08 »
Figured it out. I had two different ODBCs installed. One was a *shudder* alpha release, I think. Forgot I installed it.

Still not sure why I had to re-install Firefox (not sure what relation there got broke), but everything works again :).