While bad graphics can be quite distracting it's plot that matters the most. If theres no plot theres just no point in playing it. Unless you like random violence.
I love random violence
, but yeah plot certainly does matter, I know a lot of games that after you play them you ask yourself:
"Well this game sucks ... Why did I decide to play this game ?"
I said this to myself after playing through most of Splinter Cell 3: Chaos Theory ... I highly reccomend that you do NOT get this game, it is a disgrace to both of the other Splinter Cell games. And the fucking ads are everywhere ... it's like playing an advertizement with no plot other than to get you to buy Nokia phones and other useless shit.
Actually, Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries by Activision (an ancient game) has horrible graphics, but it is really fun ... while Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries by Microsoft is nowhere nearly as fun ... in fact the plot is fucking retarded, the graphics are good though. Is MW 4 a lot less fun than MW 2 ? Yes, and it's because the plot sux.
So why did I say graphics = gameplay ?
Beacuse with today's technology making a game with really bad graphics and good gameplay is just lazy in my opinion. I mean I dont need the best graphics possible, but not spending time to make the game look even decent is just fucking lazy, why buy it ?
So the graphics don't have to be really good, but they should not be really shitty either :thumbup: