All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware
Xbox360 Crashes?
"Jsgongwon, one of our forum members, reported that his newly bought Xbox 360 keeps crashing while playing Project Gotham Racing 3 in single player mode. He's playing with the default settings, and apparently his Xbox crashes even before the end of the first lap. Crashes on Xbox Live and on startup occur too. He included screenshots of the crashed Xbox 360 and a video of the crash.
A quick look on our forums seems to indicate he's not the only one. Several of our members seems to get crashing 360s. It doesn't seem to be related to a specific game, as we get reports of the Xbox 360 crashing with several games. And it's not all the same Error-number either (E79, E74, E64, real crashes, ...)."
This is exactly why you need to hire full-time beta testers for your next-gen console :)
Movie of Xbox 360 crashing: (XviD)
OMG they suck ass.
YYYYYeeeeeeeeesssssssssss .... another home run for M$ :thumbup:
Although $ony is full of shit ... the PS3 will probably kick ass ... or you can wait for the Nintendo Revolution, whenever that comes out
Or you can go outside and get some air, while it is still free.
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