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Microsoft + standards

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According to an AP News story today, Microsoft has begun the process of standardizing the Office XML format.

read all about it

My analysis: too little too late.  Microsoft has shown everyone what they tend to do with standards.  This is a symbolic move, no more, designed to undermine the Open Document format.  Presumably, if Microsoft will have a corner on the market in some unforeseen future, then it must be extremely popular now.

Now, of course, they have a right to do this.  And actually, they should have done it a long time ago, the day after they bought out WordPerfect.  But who the fuck do they think they are kidding?  Releasing the format doesn't open up the object linking of Word itself, so other programs can be optimized for compatibility.  And they will never open any source.  All they're doing is sharing some XML.  Which is just markup, anyone who would try to hide XML is a dick.  So don't start thinking that Microsoft is all about standards.  They were not, are not, and never will be.

And what's even worse is that Apple Computer is backing the standardization.

Why is Apple such a bunch of pussies?  They could play and they could win, but they're too afraid to offend the guy who stole all their ideas.  It makes me sad.

Agreed. I don't want to rewrite all I posted on Void's forum...

I agree too, Apple should rename themselves ... Pussy ! :D


--- Quote from: worker201 ---who the fuck do they think they are kidding?
--- End quote ---
Probably about half a billion people?
That's about the population of Windows users i.e. retards.


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