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Microsoft + standards

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--- Quote from: MarathoN ---Well, you were making an assumption that most people who use Windows are stupid, and I fit into that category who use Windows? :rolleyes:
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Actually, given your response to something he never said, I'd say you fit more into the reactionary 5% (roughly 50,000,000) of the some half-billion users of Windows, the approximations being: 90% stupid, 5% reactionary, and 5% intelligent (about 95% (4.5% of total) of which are using, have used, or are considering "alternative" Operating Systems), not counting overlap.


It's still bull****.  So they make a "standard."  It's still patent encumbered and they won't licence it to open source.  

One of MS' employees had a "blog" about how everyone is so stupid about being suspicious of this move.  It was a pretty derogatory piece of MS propaganda.  I called him on it, and brought up how MS tried to force their "sender ID" crap into the email standard, but would hold patents on it to keep Open Source from using it.  I told him that this would be no different.  His reponse was quite honest

--- Quote ---
Open source has designed their license to make patent trading impossible. Sorry, the company with the biggest target on their shirt can be expected to want to effect patent trades.

But as I explained in a previous blog post, there is NO REASON for open source to demand automatic sublicensing. Lacking justification, it's like me demanding people who use my software wear heels and a top hat.

I've read arguments from those who try to defend the policy. Sorry, I'm not convinced and found the arguments lacking in substance, which may explain why few legal luminaries in the open source world bother to say anything more about the policy than "open source requires it."

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So the MS standard means very little in the way of openness.  You get to use it only under their conditions.  

It's the same BS.

Umm, actually the only article about that which says Apple are backing it is the Yahoo one. I don't 100% trust Yahoo for reliable news...


--- Quote from: themacuser ---Umm, actually the only article about that which says Apple are backing it is the Yahoo one. I don't 100% trust Yahoo for reliable news...
--- End quote ---

I don't 100% trust anybody for reliable news.  But Yahoo! doesn't write news stories - they get them straight off the wire from AP and Reuter's.  So if you can trust a newspaper, or much of CNN, you can trust Yahoo!.  Even the AP has a little bias, but it's probably one of the best news sources in the US.

what are they trying to gain by standardizing the Office XML format? I don't get it...:nothappy:


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