All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Microsoft + standards
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---Probably about half a billion people?
That's about the population of Windows users i.e. retards.
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... that is a gross underestimate :) ...
--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---... that is a gross underestimate :)
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So how many Windows users would there be? I read half a billion somewhere before, can't remember where.
--- Quote ---IE has a 95.5 percent market share ...
--- End quote ---
But how many people browse the web then?
IE has a 95.5 percent market share ... that's 1,237,830,102 people (1.2 billion) Worldwide assuming 0.02 computers per capita (200 per 1000 ppl ... a valid assumption) and assuming that IE proliforation is approximate to M$ proliferation ... not a bad estimate
ok another estimate based on internet usage 696,386,000 people worldwide ... but more people use a computer than the internet ... so maybe somewhere in-between the 2 values ... like around 0.8 - 1 billion people
Sources for statistical analysis: Global internet statistics, World POPClock , Computer Industry Almanac
Ok, scrap that ... here is the best estimate 1,101,734,321 people Worldwide use M$ ... based on 85 % M$ market share and 0.2 computers per capita (200 computers per 1000 ppl) and 6,480,790,124 world population
--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---Ok, scrap that ... here is the best estimate 1,101,734,321 people Worldwide use M$ ... based on 85 % M$ market share and 0.2 computers per capita (200 computers per 1000 ppl) and 6,480,790,124 world population
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You're assuming one person is one computer, though. Until I got a laptop and parts to slap together an SSH box, my family's ratio was 4:1. A better number would probably be about half a billion.
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