I used to be a XP user. I've toyed around with having a linux partition on an off in the past. I never made the switch completely from XP to linux.
I've spent an entire career predominetly fixing, installing and configuring windows. I got my first experience with linux in 1999. I've heard about unix in the past, but not Linux. I was amazed at its stability and performance.
I learned a little bit about, unfortunetly that company moved from linux to NT, and things went down hill.
I am re-learning linux again after a 5 year break. Sony root kit debacle caused me to take the plunge. I feel like a newbie again, but I find it frustrating and stimulating at the same time trying to learn a whole new OS.
I have a p3 550 mhz POS and it runs fine on linux using KDE. I can four terminal windows in kde compiling programs, and it doesnt crash. Thats one of the other reasons. Security in linux is also a big plus, along a command line. I missed the command from DOS-it made my job much more easier. The whole operating system+operating enviroment works for me. I have only one gripe about linux/unix. It seems like you have to be a programmer to figure out problems with linux.
Everything else is peachy. I like linux and Microsoft sucks ass :fu:.