All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows Sucks

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I thought the EU were forcing MS to give up some of their trade secrets for the sake of intercompatability and this should include their data formats.

I think making them bankrupt is going too far, what about all the job loses? I believe breaking them up into many companies would be a more realistic solution.

I think Microsoft is one creature that does not deserve to live. We have jointly desposed of the Third Reich, of the Soviet Union, and now comes the Third Evil Empire. The first was destroyed by means of the military, the second economically, so why not destroy the third (and hopefully last) by means of moral integrity and sheer numbers of enlightened souls...

Ok, put MS out of business.

Seeing as that is your idea, are your going to pay for all the economic effects that doing so would cause.  Would you hire and relocate all the unemployed programmers, honor all of Microsofts contractual obligations, pay off all their debts?

Well, would you?  Otherwise, you should re-think all of your plans to "Put MS out of business".

Exactly, Microsoft should be fragmented into many smaller businesses like I said in my previous post if anyone bothered to read it.


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---Exactly, Microsoft should be fragmented into many smaller businesses like I said in my previous post if anyone bothered to read it.
--- End quote ---
That sounds like a good idea but I dunno if/how it'd work.

Judging solely by the name, the ultimate goal of "The Microsoft Eradication Society" is to eliminate Microsoft.
I think we need a plan :p


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