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Windows Sucks

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We could borrow the Ubuntu peoples CD stamper and ship out millions of Linux CD's labled "Windows Uber Upgrade" then when they see linux theyt get addicted and spread the word, MUWHHAHAHAHAHAHA

Ok, seriously though. If you think about it, the most common victims of windows are inexperieced web-surfers. These people are very vonarable to viruses and spyware from obvious reasons. These are the kind of people that like stuff to work all the time, the kind that like consistency. This is what properly installed linux distros are like, stable, uniform, and consistant. I think the best way to win the masses, is to make a linux distro for these people. It would be tailor fit to these users, coming installed with, productivity apps, simple games, firefox with flash plugin etc. The install would be simplified and completly graphical. A simple package manager with specific categorys would be included. I really do think that the Ubuntu people would love to take on a project like this, and they have the equipment for mass production. I'm sure it would be easy to get ad-space thru news shows, writings etc.

There are tonnes of easy to use GNU/Linux distros. Mandriva, Fedora (I think), SuSE, etc.
Mandriva is roumered to be easier to use than Windows, only that most people are used to Windows and Mandriva is different, and, inheritantly, harder. And I believe Mandriva is easier to use than Windows too.

If we could convince people that Mandriva (or whatever distro) is as easy to use as Windows, and somehow get it to the OEMs, and write some kick arse documentation (for noobs), I think that'd be sweet. GNU/Linux already has some class documentation, but noobs won't understand it.
Like if there was a "Ditch Windows and get started with GNU/Linux NOW" kinda book/site (I was thinking of writing some documentation over the Summer...).

That ^^ is kindof already happening ATM.

I've gotten a few people onto Mandriva to the point that it's installed and ready-for-teh-noob. And the voyage ends there.
The only sensible conclusion I can think of is that they think that Mandriva is not-for-them. And when they're asked to pick which OS to boot, they'll pick Windows, all the time. Because Windows has what they need (seeing as everything (software, hardware) is designed for Windows/Mac, and rarely GNU/Linux). They need nothing in GNU/Linux. They might think they'd like it until it's working.

I think in the next 2-3 years, there'll be lots more people giving GNU/Linux a try. Some will take the time and learn it, and stay and live happy lives. The rest may shrivel up and die.

What annoys me more than MS's monopoly on the OS market, is their monopoly on the Office market (?). I fail to understand why any sane person would prefer MS Office to
WTF is with all the fcking schools/universities/EVERYTHING ELSE using MS Office? I just don't get it.

For example, in my school we pretty much only use MS Office in computer class. When we get on the internet, we use IE for browsing (WWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY????????). Next year I'm skipping those fckin' MS classes. Thank FUCK my year doesn't do them this year.
When the ECDL exam comes up next year I'll do it in OOo or nothing.

I agree with out piratePenguin, the reason why people pick Windows is simply because it's what they all ready know. Most people have very little inscentive to try out something new, if Windows works for them and their happy with it then why should they bother to learn how to use a new operating system?

The same goes for office suite and email client, the only aception to the rule is FireFox as there's virtually no learning curve. But even then if given the choice they'll always click on Internet Explorer simply out of habit yet if I change the icon they never complain about using FireFox.

I must say I'd recommend Ubuntu over Mandrake anytime, but that's prolly just  apersonal preference - the two are both *perfect* for noobs and ex-windozers.
I just converted a friend two days ago. Installed a dual boot w2k/Ubuntu (not necessarily in this order), and he's already thinking of reformatting the dreaded C: drive...


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